John Mazyck has been elected as chairman of the board, succeeding Mark Crosswhite. Prior to being elected as chairman, Mazyck held several key leadership roles within BCA.
“It has been an honor to serve as BCA’s chairman and to witness the organization’s leaders working together to support business growth throughout Alabama that will drive our 21st century economy for years to come,” stated Crosswhite. “I look forward to continued progress under John’s tenure as we work in unison with businesses across our state for a better Alabama.”
“BCA is extremely grateful for Mark Crosswhite’s leadership. Mark played a pivotal role in uniting the business community and helping build a stronger BCA,” said BCA President and CEO Katie Boyd Britt. “There is no doubt that Alabama is better for his dedication to the well-being and prosperity of our great state,” Britt added.
John Mazyck is the owner of The Frazer Lanier Company, a Montgomery-based investment banking firm. Mazyck is a graduate of Woodberry Forest School, of Vanderbilt University (BS), and of Auburn University at Montgomery (MBA). He currently serves as co-chair of Montgomery United (the transition committee for Mayor Steven Reed), as Vice-chair of the Montgomery Committee of 100, and as a board member of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce. Mazyck is a graduate of Leadership Alabama.
“John Mazyck has been a dedicated leader of the business community in the state of Alabama for years,” added Britt. “He has already begun to leave his mark on BCA through his innovative approach and intentional outreach to other business leaders across the state. We look forward to working alongside John as he leads our state’s business community into the next decade.”
“I am deeply honored to serve as BCA’s next chairman,” commented Mazyck. “It is humbling to have been entrusted with this responsibility, and I do not take it lightly. I believe in Alabama, and I am excited to see what BCA can accomplish with Alabama’s business leaders aligned together for progress. I believe even greater things are on the horizon for BCA and for our great state.”
Under the organization’s governance structure, amended in 2018, the BCA executive committee is comprised of 11 individuals. Additionally, the organization’s general counsel, secretary, treasurer, and president serve as non-voting members of the executive committee.
Britt concluded, “I look forward to John, Mark, and the rest of our BCA leaders making 2020 the best year yet. The time and resources that they volunteer and invest to help build a better Alabama for all her people is something that we should all applaud.”
The members of the 2020 executive committee are as follows: