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Sessions says that Christians are under attack in America

Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Glenn Fawcett)

Last Wednesday, Senate candidate and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions (R) issued a response to what he called the latest attack from Ron Reagan’s national atheist group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).

“Christians and people of all faiths are under attack in America,” Sessions said. “Ron Reagan’s atheist group is spending millions of dollars attacking Christians in the name of religious liberty. I can promise you that we will not be intimidated by some leftists from Hollywood. My message to people of faith is this: ‘I HAVE YOUR BACK.’ I have spent my whole life fighting to make sure that Christians and people of all faiths can boldly live out their faiths. That is what religious liberty means.”

“The Constitution explicitly guarantees the right for every American to freely exercise their religious beliefs,” Sessions stated. “They don’t have to ask the FFRF for permission. The FFRF were constant critics of me and our work at the Department of Justice to protect religious liberty, using unjustified and extreme arguments that have no basis in the Constitution.”

“This group, and others, continually write threatening letters to public institutions to frighten and intimidate them from allowing Constitutionally-protected expressions of faith,” Sessions continued. “They have gotten away with it for too long. I will never back down from this fight.”

On January 14, the FFRF sent a letter to Sessions accusing the former Attorney General of making disparaging and inaccurate statements about the group.

Ron Reagan Jr. is the son of former President Ronald W. Reagan (R) and former First Lady Nancy Reagan. He has long ago denounced both his father’s Republican political philosophy and his Christian faith. Reagan was featured in a commercial for the FFRF that played during Tuesday’s Democratic debate.

“Hi, I’m Ron Reagan, an unabashed atheist, and I’m alarmed by the intrusions of religion into our secular government,” Reagan says in the opening of the advertisement. “That’s why I’m asking you to support the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the nation’s largest and most effective association of atheists and agnostics working to keep state and church separate, just like our Founding Fathers intended. Please support the Freedom From Religion Foundation.”

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He concludes the advertisement by saying, “Ron Reagan. Lifelong atheist. Not afraid of burning in hell.”

The Wisconsin based FFRF has frequently attacked people of faith in Alabama, most recently a school in Tallapoosa County for allowing baptisms before football practice,

Sessions is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the Senate seat currently held by Doug Jones (D). Sessions previously served in the Senate from 1997 to 2017.

Original reporting by the Washington Examiner contributed to this report.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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