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Rogers says that Democrats have been quick to rush to Iran’s defense

Alabama Republican Congressman Mike Rogers

Wednesday, Congressman Mike Rogers, R-Saks, slammed Democrats for their criticism of President Donald J. Trunp’s (R) decision to order the killing of Iranian Lt. General Qasem Soleimani. Rogers said in a statement that while he stands behind the President, Democrats have rushed to the defense of Iran.

“In this new year and decade, the world remains a very dangerous place,” Congressman Rogers said. “Recently, President Trump had the opportunity to take out a very bad actor who wished harm on Americans and was responsible for the deaths of 600 U.S. soldiers.”

“In Baghdad, Qassem Soleimani, an Iranian commander, was killed by some of our brave men and women serving in uniform,” Rogers continued. “A known terrorist is now eliminated and I strongly stand with President Trump on his bold and decisive actions. But Democrats have been quick to rush to Iran’s defense. Can you believe that?”

Because Democrats are so blinded by their complete hatred for President Donald Trump, they cannot even acknowledge the death of this terrorist was done in the interest of the United States’ national security,” Rogers added. “Speaker Nancy Pelosi even brought a war powers resolution to the House Floor in an attempt to tie the hands of our president.”

“As a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee and the Ranking Member on the Committee on Homeland Security, I strongly opposed this blatant politically-driven move,” Rogers explained. “Making it harder for any president to keep our homeland and citizens safe is irresponsible and just plain dangerous. As I said in my speech last week on the House Floor, “This resolution maligns our President, undermines our national security and makes a martyr of a man who killed nearly 600 Americans.””

Rather than uniting behind the President to confront Iran, House Democrats have continued with their impeachment efforts against the President. House Democrats blocked a Republican led resolution on Wednesday supporting the people of Iran and their demands for a democratically elected government.

“Democrats can’t bring themselves to acknowledge that President Trump was right to take out Soleimani or support the Iranian citizens protesting for their freedom,” Rogers said. “Instead, they continue their attempted coup in the form of the sham impeachment process.”

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“President Trump’s record of accomplishments is clear and irrefutable,” Rogers concluded. “Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi and Democrats just can’t put America first.”

Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, also opposed Democratic efforts to weaken the President’s war powers with Iran.

“I voted against the Socialist Democrats’ flawed war powers resolution that ties President Trump’s hands against Iran,” Brooks wrote. “Sports fans know that often times the best defense is a good offense. The flawed war powers resolution would prohibit the president from using offensive measures, thereby endangering national security. President Trump needs the flexibility to act quickly to save American lives.”

Congressman Mike Rogers is currently in his ninth term representing Alabama’s Third Congressional District. Rogers is the Ranking member on the House Homeland Security Committee and a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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