Monday, Senate candidate Congressman Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose, slammed Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and former football star Colin Kaepernick for their statements attacking President Donald J. Trump (R) over his decision to kill Iranian General Qasem Soleimani with a drone strike in Baghdad on Thursday. Byrne urged Americans to unite in support of the President.
During the state funeral for Gen. Soleimani, an Iranian legislator urged the viewers of state television to each donate $1 towards an $80 million reward to anyone who kills President Trump. The Alabama Political Reporter asked Byrne to comment on this statement.
“While some in Iran are directly threatening President Trump, it is a shame we also have radical liberals right here in America like Ilhan Omar and Colin Kaepernick attacking our President for eliminating a terrorist responsible for the death of American citizens,” Byrne told APR. “Instead of these un-American attacks, we should unite to support President Trump for protecting the American people and sending a clear message to those who threaten us.”
Congresswoman Omar has said that she was “outraged” by Pres. Trump’s decision to kill Soleimani and supports efforts to limit the President’s authority.
“So what if Trump wants war, knows this leads to war and needs the distraction?” Omar wrote on Twitter. “Real question is, will those with congressional authority step in and stop him? I know I will.”
“We are outraged the president would assassinate a foreign official, possibly setting off another war without congressional authorization and has zero plan to deal with the consequences,” Omar said.
Omar suggested that the President Trump would be committing war crimes if he struck back after threatened retaliation by Iran.
“The President of the United States is threatening to commit war crimes on Twitter,” Omar said on social media. “God help us all.”
“Ilhan Omar diminished 9/11, opposes Israel, and now she is upset that President Trump took out a murderous terrorist – at this point we have to wonder what side is she on?,” Byrne said on social media. “Maybe she wishes Obama were still here to bow before the Ayatollah, but here in America we serve the Constitution of the U.S. first and swear in front of God to defend this country and its people. And that’s exactly what President Trump is doing.”
Byrne has targeted Omar and Kaepernick in a new commercial that is campaign is running and has said that the two of them are cheapening 9/11.
“That was a calamitous day for our country,” Byrne told talk radio host Todd Starnes Monday. Not just for those who died that day; but for our military who had to go over there and fight and some died.
“I have had it, and everyone I have spoken to has had it, and we are speaking up and pushing back,” Byrne said. “She regularly speaks without understanding what she is saying and clearly does not appreciate the values of this country or what this country has done going back generations for the principles that make us who we are.”
“Our President successfully eliminates a terrorist responsible for the death of American citizens, and now the Socialist Squad is trying to make him the bad guy,” Byrne said. “Give me a break! President Trump did the right thing, and he needs more leaders in Washington who support him, not attack him every chance they get.”
Byrne also had strong words for former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
“There is nothing new about American terrorist attacks against Black and Brown people for the expansion of American imperialism,” Kaepernick said on Twitter. “America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad. America militarism is the weapon wielded by American imperialism, to enforce its policing and plundering of the non white world.”
“Anyone who doesn’t understand which side is terrorist and which side is fighting the terrorists is either delusional or, worse, anti-America,” Byrne said on social media in response to Kaepernick’s comments. “Which do you think this jerk is?”
“And this is who you want as the face of your brand, @Nike.” Byrne added. “Unlike so many of our servicemen, like my brother Dale who paid a price for his patriotism, this guy dishonors the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of our warriors.”
Kaepernick is a former NFL quarterback for the San Francisco Forty-niners, who has been unable to get a job in the league since 2016 after his protest of alleged injustice in America by taking a knee during the National Anthem before each game. Supporters say that he was blackballed by owners who did not like the bad publicity. Critics say that his play on the field during his last three years in the league showed that his skills as a player were eroding.
Byrne is running in a crowded field for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate which includes: State Representative Arnold Mooney, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Ruth Path Nelson, former Auburn football Coach Tommy Tuberville, businessman Stanley Adair, and former Chief Justice Roy Moore. Republicans are hopeful that they can take the Senate seat away from Democrat Doug Jones in November.
“We don’t have a Senator in Doug Jones who reflects the values and principles of the people of the state of Alabama,” Byrne said.
The Republican primary will be on March 3.
General Soleimani commanded the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qud Force, which has been declared a terrorist organization by the State Department. Soleimani was killed on Thursday when a CIA drone fired four missiles into two vehicles in Baghdad, killing him and his Shia militia entourage.
Original reporting by Fox News, Breitbart News, the Blaze, Microsoft News, and the Todd Starnes Show contributed to this report.