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Talk radio host Mark Montiel has died


Thursday, Montgomery area attorney, former judge, and a longtime conservative talk radio host Mark Montiel has died.

Montiel’s son confirmed to reporters that his father died around 4:00 a.m. Thursday from natural causes.

Montiel worked for Cumulus radio for six years from 2011 through 2017. His show “Capital Buzz” was most recently on 1440 Newstalk AM.

The operations Manager for Cumulous said Rick Hendrick told WSFA TV news that Montiel was, “A valuable, and I mean I want to stress to the world, valuable part of our morning team here at Cumulus.”

Montiel was an attorney, a former Montgomery circuit court judge, a former Judge on the Court of Criminal Appeals, and a former Republican candidate for Alabama Attorney General.

“He was very well-spoken,” Hendrick said, “as well as being outspoken about certain issues. And that’s what we loved about him, and that’s what made good radio. Because he had that personality. He’s gonna be missed personally and professionally.”

Montiel served on the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals from 1992 to 1995. He served on the Circuit Court of Montgomery County from 1990 to 1992.

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Since leaving the bench, he has been in private practice in Montgomery.

Montiel had a degree in Accounting from the University of South Alabama and a law degree from the University of Alabama School of Law.

Original reporting by WSFA Channel 12 in Montgomery contributed to this report.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.


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