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Aderholt proud of vote against impeachment, hopes Senate is quick to acquit

President Donald Trump speaking in 2017 just outside Harrisburg. Staff Sgt. Tony Harp/U.S. Air National Guard

Tuesday, Congressman Robert Aderholt, R-Haleyville, said that the vast majority of House Democrats chose party over country when they voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump (R) last week. Rep. Aderholt said that House Democrats abused power in impeaching the President and he proudly voted against both Articles of Impeachment.

Congressman Aderholt’s comments were made in his year in review statement.

“For nearly three months, Democrat leadership has wasted time on a pointless political investigation into President Trump,” Aderholt wrote. “On December 18, Democrats finally did what I, along with many others, believe they’ve been trying to do since January 20, 2017, overturn the 2016 election by impeaching this duly-elected President. Rather than conducting an investigation driven by facts, House Democrats chose partisanship and abused one of the most powerful tools the Constitution gives Congress. This is one of the things that the Founding Fathers feared the most.”

“The vast majority of House Democrats chose party over country,” Aderholt lamented. “The real reason they were so set on impeaching the President was because they feared he would be re-elected. Over 80 percent of voters in the 4th district voted for President Trump in 2016 and they still proudly support him. So do I.”

“I proudly voted against both articles, along with every single Republican in the House of Representatives,” Aderholt stated. “Speaker Pelosi continues to drag out this politicized process by refusing to send the articles to the Senate. We were told it was urgent to complete impeachment by the end of the year, but by holding up the process it further exposes the real reasons behind this entire series- politics.”

The Senate will have to spend time in the new year, dealing with the Articles of Impeachment sent over by House Democrats. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, still has not formally transmitted the Articles of Impeachment trying to get concessions from Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, in how the trial will be handled.

“I hope my colleagues in the Senate are quick to acquit the President of any wrongdoing so Congress can get back to what we’re supposed to be doing-working with President Trump to keep our economy strong and help solve important problems like health care, immigration and strengthening our nation’s military,” Aderholt said.

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The Senate is expected to acquit the President of both charges. Democrats failed to get a single Republican vote in the House. To actually convict the President would require substantial Republican support given the substantially higher bar required of the Senate by the Constitution. At this point, it appears that there is not the necessary bipartisan support for a guilty verdict, much less removal of the President.

Pres. Trump is accused of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Congressman Robert Aderholt represents Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District. He is serving in his twelfth term in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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