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ACHE recommends $121,147,171M higher education budget


At today’s quarterly Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) meeting, commissioners approved a $121,147,171M budget recommendation for higher education for FY 2020-21.  The amount represents a 6.8% increase over the FY 2019-20 appropriation.

“This recommendation will bring Alabama’s public colleges and universities closer to their pre-recession (2008) level of support from the Education Trust Fund,” said ACHE Executive Director Jim Purcell.  “The proposal provides for a minimum increase of five percent for all institutions and provides additional funding for particular campus activities or needs.”

ACHE is required by law to present a single unified higher education budget recommendation for the institutions to the governor and legislature each year.

ACHE will be asking lawmakers to include a five percent increase in the Alabama Student Assistance Program that supports students from families of the working poor.  Two new need-based initiatives, Career Promise and College Promise, would help students from low-income families earn a postsecondary award for careers in high-demand fields in their community.

A top priority in the Commission’s Higher Education Strategic Plan,Building Human Capital, focuses on developing Alabama’s economy and workforce by aligning educational offerings with career pathways in high-demand fields.

ACHE maintains the Alabama Statewide Student Database, which now has over 12.5 million student records.  One of the reports produced from the student data lists the healthcare field as the top producer among Alabama’s public higher education institutions in bachelor, master and doctoral degrees.

“Education supplying marketplace demand. The combination will spell success for Alabama’s future economic growth,” said Robin McGill, ACHE director of Instruction.

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The following programs were approved:

Auburn University

Master of Science in Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation

Bachelor of Arts in International Studies in Liberal Arts

Doctor of Philosophy in Building Construction

University of Alabama

Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security

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University of Alabama at Birmingham

Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Engineering Design

University of South Alabama

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Supply Chain and Logistics


University of West Alabama

Associate of Science in Tutorial Mathematics

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Bevill State Community College

Associate in Applied Science and Certificate in Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Bishop State Community College

Associate in Applied Science in Airframe Technology

Associate in Applied Science in Power Plant Technology

Associate in Applied Science in Avionics Technology

Shelton State Community College

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Associate in Applied Science and Certificate in Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Drake State Community and Technical College

Associate in Applied Science in Nursing

Lawson State Community College

Associate in Applied Science and Certificate in Hospitality Services Management

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"The proposal calls for historic cuts to health care while paving the way for $2 trillion in tax cuts for billionaires," Sewell said.


In addition to preparing budget recommendations on behalf of the state's public colleges and universities, ACHE is also responsible for administering financial aid.

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The Commission approved an agency budget request of $77,859,213 for fiscal year 2025-26.