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Opinion | National frustrations hit high water mark

When I was first officially assigned a role in the public sector, Governor Guy Hunt appointed me in 1989, as Alabama State Small Business Advocate.  I was thirty-five years old, a team player, easy to work with, friendly to everyone in government and the private sector, yet mission oriented to advance the cause of the Hunt Administration.  I can remember having a much greater capacity back then to take on more water, metaphorically speaking dealing with the slow bureaucracies, political non-sense and the inability to advance the ball down the field.  Just thirty years later, I find my capacity for this non-sense has shrunk, my flash point greatly lowered, and joining America’s escalating frustration. We have hit our high-watermark with the dramatic scenes being played out in DC and on the 2020 Democrat Presidential campaign trail.  

The “swamp,” as Trump calls it, has existed all these years, but now has hit the exponential curve at the state and national level.  I used to think my cultivated diplomatic skills would allow me weave and navigate my way around the landmines of obstruction for progress, and to some degree it worked.  Looking back on those days, I can clearly see now, if you had a total of ten moves in a day, eight of them were stroking egos, extinguishing little fires, petting the offended and only two moves in the day was advancing the positive cause of promoting economic, social, moral and constitutional governing.  If one spent a lifetime in this public sector environment with pure motives, you should know up front, you will only accomplish 20% of your capacity, or you will flame out early.  If you understand going in the rules of engagement will greatly hinder advancing a conservative cause, the tactics of the southern gentleman diplomat, who wants everyone to like them because of their selfish desire of future advancement politically, will be guaranteed few earned scored points for the betterment of mankind at the end of each day.

Trump’s sense of urgency, lack of bedside manners, brassy, sometimes rudeness and New York style street fighting tendencies offends the southern gentleman approach to governing, but the fierce, out of control, violent, win at all cost and maligning modern day Democrat behavioral style, can only be put in checkmate with one thing…a 2 x 4 brought to the fight.  Unfortunately, the rules of public discourse being changed by Democrats over the years, particularly since the November 2016 election, requires one to step in the ring swinging in order to advance the will of the American people.  But Giles, what about Christianity, and Christian principles; sure let’s discuss this point for a moment.

Let us remember, Jesus physically cleared the decks in the synagogue of the greedy merchants personally profiting in the sacred house.  Jesus also had an offensive tongue using words like, brood of vipers, serpents, foolish ones, blind (figuratively not literally), liars and he also called his adversaries hypocrites, just to list off a few. Trump is certainly no saint and definitely not the messiah, but do we see some current modern day similarities.  Jesus was falsely accused of blasphemy; they held a kangaroo court and then executed him.  

In the 2016 election cycle, pollsters were trying to brute force a win for Hillary over Trump.  Late at night, on November 8, 2016, Democrats were wailing and gnashing their teeth at the Clinton Victory Party.  Where was Hillarypitching a hissy fit and did not even show up.  Trump well exceeded the Electoral College threshold of 270 with 304 earned votes.  Then they tried to override the constitution bending the narrative around a popular vote. After the inauguration, the Washington Riot Style March filled the streets with women wearing female genital hats.  Immediately, the tone of impeachment echoed among Democrats and the liberal media.  They cranked up a fairy tale story of Russian collusion, when Hillary was the one colluding with Russians.  Comey, rogue FBI cops and some of his treasonist intelligence community colleagues laidout a Trojan horse strategy for Trump’s removal,fueled by a false dossier paid for by Clinton, DNC and Soros. Two years and forty five million US taxpayer dollars later, the Mueller Report was a Big Zero. Then, the false Kavanagh confirmation hearing fiction played out as choreographed and they were caught again.  Now we have an unidentified whistleblower, launching an impeachment through surrogate hearsay, presumptions, and false testimonies, when all they had to do is read the conversation transcript.  It might have helped for them to watch the Ukrainian President on TV categorically deny any pressures of quid quo pro by Trump.  If I was reading a novel and not living this real time, I would be thinking in these terms: brood of vipers, serpents, foolish ones, blind (figuratively not literally), certified liars and hypocrites.  Sound familiar?          

For a minute let me rewind to the 2016 election cycle.  Americans had hit their high water mark on political correctness, watching Obama split the country instead of being the healer he promised.  Remember “CHANGE,” we got it alright.  The DOJ, under Eric Holder became the largest Civil Rights law firm in the country going after cops rather than criminals.  Obama’s “Green Jobs” economic development plan turned into closed windmill plants and millions of wasted grant dollars.  Globetrotting on expensive golf vacations and apologizing to the world that somehow America was guilty of some abusive behavior. Obama had strategically weakened our military to an all-time low.  The final results of this eighth year behavior, Trump and the deplorables dumpedthe Obama-Clinton machine.

Now let’s fast forward to the 2020 elections.  You would think they would learn from 2016, but some folks tend to walk back through the same yard where the dog bit them last time.  America is experiencing historic low employment, job creation, capital investment, stock market is unprecedentedly soaring, world now respects us, balancing the trade defects, rebuilding the military, taking care of our veterans, reining in illegal immigration, building the wall, respecting and supporting law enforcement officers, appointing constitution originalist to the federal bench, sticking to the list of twenty three for the U.S. Supreme Court vacancies, moving the U.S. Embassy for Israel to Jerusalem, opening up domestic oil production and leading globally in oil exports, stepping up NATO partners investment in protecting Europe, pulling out of the fake science driven Paris Climate Accord, renegotiating NAFTA and GATT for a new balanced trade relations between Mexico and Canada, put little man in North Korea in checkmate and letting China know we are still the world leader on all fronts.  I apologize if I missed some of the key performance indicators of the Trump administration over the past three years.  All of this measurable production in the face of the daily deluging obstruction and resistance from Chuck, Nancy, Adam, Jerry and the overwhelming majority of the “make it up as you go liberal socialist media.

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So, you can sense from my tone, I am no longer the patient southern gentleman diplomat you once knew.  Democrats, you have awakened the great sleeping giant once again.  My experience in the public sector has given me a high degree of accuracy in measuring public sentiment.  I believesixty three plus million and more Americans join me in this wave wanting to right all of these wrongs. We are greatly annoyed, now intolerant, find distaste, loss of patience and quite frankly find ourselves chapped off and cussing mad at the news coming out of Capitol Hill.  Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”  We all know from witnessing it firsthand, socialism and communism for America is only one election away.  

The 2020 elections are going to be a tsunami. In a landslide, we should win back the house, hold onto the senate and keep the Trump led Whitehouse. Let me suggest to our GOP men and women serving in the U.S. Congress, if this happens, strap on the titanium body vest and be ready to follow this president to wage war on behalf of the American people.  Your well-funded K-Street lobbyist friends, screaming media and whining Democrats will for once take a back seat to the will of the American people.    

We have hit our high water mark.


John W. Giles is former President of the Christian Coalition of Alabama. He served as Small Business Advocate for the State of Alabama during Governor Guy Hunt's Administration. He was also a member of Governor Fob James Cabinet.

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