Wednesday, formal public impeachment hearings against President Donald J. Trump (R) were held. Alabama Republicans continued to denounce the impeachment inquiry as a “sham” and a “circus.”
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said that Democrats planned to impeach Trump from the moment that he was elected.
“Today the Democrats continued to show their irresponsible focus on impeaching President Trump at all costs – something they have been wanting to do since the day he was sworn in,” Lathan said. “Minutes after President Trump took his oath of office on January 20, 2017, the Washington Post headlines proclaimed ‘The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun’. Instead of focusing on the issues that matter most to Americans – like passing a budget before we are forced to have another government shutdown – the Democrats are continuing with their partisan impeachment stunts. The majority of Alabamians continue to support President Trump as he works to Keep America Great. American citizens see through this sham for what it is.”
Republican candidate for Congress and former Alabama state Senator Bill Hightower expressed similar views in a statement in response to Wednesday’s impeachment hearing in the House of Representatives.
“Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s circus was on full display today and it is clear that Congress needs a strong dose of south Alabama values,” Hightower said. “The Democrats are more concerned with impeaching the President than doing the job the people elected them to do. I hear from voters each and every day their concerns about jobs, rebuilding the military, and strengthening our trade agreements by passing the USMCA. I am running for Congress to get the job done for the people of the 1st congressional district, to be an ally to President Trump, and to fight back against the radical leftists that have hijacked Congress.”
“Less than 24 hours after President Trump was inaugurated, the Democrats have been obsessed with impeachment,” Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said on social media. “They know their radical policies will can’t win so they’re laser-focused on overturning the results of the 2016 presidential election. SHAM!”
Rep. Byrne is a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Doug Jones (D).
“As the sham impeachment inquiry against President Trump continues today, remember these important points,” Congressman Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) said. “This process has never been about justice, but about doing whatever it takes to unseat the President, regardless of actual facts.”
Palmer’s four “facts” are: the transcript of the phone call was released and it showed no discussion of military aid or conditionality; both Pres. Trump and Pres. Zelensky have said there was on pressure; Ukraine did not know that the aid had not been released at the time of the call; and the aid was released and Ukraine did not have to take any action for it to be released.
“This isn’t about the truth or facts,” Byrne said. “This whole impeachment sham is about destroying President Trump. I’m going to keep fighting back because the American people are sick of these political games.”
A second day of televised impeachment hearings will be held today.