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Democrats will hold state party elections Saturday


The Alabama State Democratic Executive Committee will hold a special meeting on Saturday in Montgomery.

This meeting will be pursuant with the October 5th SDEC bylaws that were unanimously passed by the SDEC and approved by the DNC, the meeting will involve organizing the Diversity Caucuses, selecting nominees for At-Large member positions by each Diversity Caucus, electing At-Large members by the current SDEC and holding elections for state party chair and vice chair positions.

The Diversity Caucuses include a Youth Caucus (defined as those under the age of 36), a Hispanic Caucus, an LGBTQ+ Caucus, an Asian and Pacific Islander Caucus, a Native American Caucus and a Minority Caucus. SDEC members who wish to run for a caucus seat may fill out a declaration of candidacy form at

The various Alabama SDEC Diversity Caucuses will begin meeting promptly at 8:00 a.m. central standard time. The main room, Exhibit Hall A, will open at 10:00 a.m. and the meeting will be called to order at 11:00 a.m.

The tentative agenda for the SDEC November 2nd Special Meeting Agenda is as follows:
Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
Adoption of Minutes from October 5, 2019 Meeting
Elections and Seating of New Members
Presentation and Discussion of Reports from Officers
Elections of Chair and Vice Chair
New Business
Old Business

The SDEC meeting Saturday will be Montgomery Renaissance Hotel & Spa, Exhibition Hall A, 201 Tallapoosa St, Montgomery, AL.

There are numerous candidates who have announced their candidacies for Chair of the Alabama Democratic Party. Current Chair Nancy Worley has announced her intent to seek re-election. Former congressional candidate Tabitha Isner has been running for months. Former Lieutenant Governor candidate Dr. Will Boyd has also been running for months. State Representative Christopher England (D-Tuscaloosa) and former State Representative Patricia Todd (D-Birmingham) have both declared their candidacies for the posts of chair and vice chair just in the last few days.

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The reform faction of the SDEC called a meeting where they passed the new bylaws that were ordered by the Democratic National Committee. They set the date for this officer election. Chair Worley and Vice Chair Joe Reed declared that meeting invalid. Their group met and passed new bylaws not approved by the DNC and have called for an SDEC and election on November 16. The DNC has ruled that the meeting called by Worley was not valid as were the bylaws changes passed by the Worley led meeting. There is a growing possibility of a schism in the Alabama Democratic Party. At this point, APR does not know if Worley will even attend the Saturday meeting. The DNC is likely to refuse to honor any of the results for the November 16 meeting. If Worley and Reed proceed with their November 16 meeting, the DNC is likely to declare that meeting illicit and invalid it. The DNC has threatened not to recognize Alabama’s delegation to the 2020 presidential nominating convention unless the state agrees to the DNC ordered changes to the state’s bylaws.

U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D) has been an outspoken supporter of reforming the Alabama Democratic Party and replacing the old leadership. His efforts resulted in the DNC invalidating Worley’s 2018 re-election. Jones is seeking re-election next year. He is the only person who has been elected statewide in Alabama as a Democrat since 2008.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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