Monday, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) appeared on Fox News Network’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” and attacked the impeachment inquiry as a “sham” and added that, “It seems that their chief motivation— which goes back to before Donald Trump was sworn in— is to get rid of this president.”
Neil Cavuto was out so Charles Payne filled in as guest host.
Payne asked Brooks, “Speaker Nancy Pelosi announcing the House will vote this week on a resolution that will formalize the impeachment inquiry process. Alabama Republican Congressman Mo Brooks joins me now. Congressman Brooks, it sounds like welcome news to me. Let’s get the process moving along.”
“It does but before I touch on the impeachment aspect of all of this with Schiff and Pelosi, let me emphasize that we have also had great economic news today with the S&P 500 reaching a new record high,” Brooks said. “That’s what free enterprise can do for you. That’s super! So, we are doing well with both the Dow, Nasdaq, and now with S&P 500. I want to think Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, if they are going to quit doing these proceedings behind closed doors where the public cannot ascertain what’s going on as they try to trash the votes of over 60 million Americans in the 2016 election. I have yet to see the resolution. From what I understand, we probably won’t see it until later this week, but if substantively it opens the doors so that the American people can see the travesty that is taking fold, then that’s a good thing for the American people.”
“I always have concern about a hyper partisan matter such as this being fair and honest,” Brooks said later in the interview. To date, the Socialist Democrats have not been able to produce any evidence of a high crime, misdemeanor, treason or bribery which is the Constitutional requirement. So far, it seems that their chief motivation— which goes back to before Donald Trump was sworn in— is to get rid of this president because they don’t like him. They don’t like his values. Well, I’m here to tell you that at least 60 million Americans love his values and they certainly love the economic results we’ve been enjoying under his leadership in the White House.”
Brooks said that there has been zero evidence that the President ever committed an impeachable offense; but predicted that Democrats were “Continuing with the playbook where they are going to have a mantra that repeatedly claims that Donald Trump has committed an impeachable offense,” in order to improve Democrats’ election chances in 2020.
Brooks supports the investigation into the conspiracy by the Clinton 2016 presidential campaign and employees of the FBI and Justice Department to create the now very dubious Russian collusion narrative.
“Every single individual who gave false statements to law-enforcement officers to the effect that there was collusion between Donald Trump and the Trump Campaign on the one hand and Russia on the other concerning the 2016 election should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and jailed,” Brooks stated.
Brooks has been an outspoken critic of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-California) so much so that he co-sponsored a resolution calling for Schiff to be censured and removed from his post as House Intelligence Committee chair. Brooks has maintained that the President is innocent of any wrongdoing and that the investigations into Trump have all been politically motivated.
Brooks is in his fifth term representing Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District.