Monday, Congressmen Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville), Mike Rogers (R-Saks), and Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) were among the 171 Republicans who voted “No” on the motion to table H.Res. 630, censuring and removing as Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-California). The House Democratic majority however voted to table a GOP motion to censure and remove Schiff for his work on the impeachment inquiry into President Donald J. Trump (R).
Republicans contend that Chairman Schiff has lied repeatedly to the American people.
Brooks accused Schiff of lying to the American people and for bringing disrepute to the House of Representatives.
“Adam Schiff has for years unabashedly lied to the American people,” Congressman Brooks said. “In March of 2017, as Intelligence Committee ranking-member, Adam Schiff falsely claimed ‘there is more than circumstantial evidence now’ of Trump campaign collusion with Russia. America has a $30 million Mueller Report proving Schiff’s comments were knowingly false.”
Rogers said the Schiff has lied repeatedly to the American people.
“Tonight, Speaker Pelosi blocked House Republicans from bringing H. Res. 630, a resolution condemning and censuring Adam Schiff,” Rogers said. “Congressman Schiff, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, has lied repeatedly about Russian collusion, made up his own version of the conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky and read it at a hearing as if it was real, and was completely dishonest about his committee’s contact with the so-called whistleblower. He has spent years lying to the American people about President Trump all in a secret effort to try and undo the 2016 election. It is ridiculous that House Democrats couldn’t even be bothered to hold an up or down vote on this resolution and instead resorted to procedural tricks to block it.”
Byrne said that Schiff has lied to and misled Americans for years.
“From promising a secret Mueller bombshell (that didn’t exist) to fabricating President Trump and President Erdogan’s phone call, Adam Schiff has lied to and misled Americans for years,” Congressman Byrne said on social media. “Tonight Democrats blocked the resolution I cosponsored with Rep. Andy Biggs to censure Schiff, but we won’t stop defending the truth.”
“On September 26, 2019, while chairing a highly-publicized Intelligence Committee hearing, Schiff fabricated a transcript of President Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president, distorting the call for partisan political purposes,” Brooks charged. “President Trump’s released transcript of the telephone call proved Adam Schiff’s contrived version was a lie.”
Byrne is seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Doug Jones.
“On September 17, 2019, Adam Schiff went on MSNBC and falsely denied having prior contact with the so-called whistleblower,” Brooks added. “On October 2, 2019, the New York Times reported that Adam Schiff and Intelligence Committee staff got an early account of the whistleblower complaint. Despite this history of dishonesty, House Democrats persist in keeping Adam Schiff as Intelligence Committee Chairman. Not a single Socialist Democrat voted for honesty.”
“Adam Schiff’s conduct brings disrepute on the House of Representatives,” Brooks charged. “Rule XXIII of the Code of Official Conduct, states that ‘A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.’ Schiff’s actions not only warrant censure, they warrant his immediate removal as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. The Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, a committee that deals almost exclusively with matters of grave importance to national security, must be beyond reproach and absolutely trustworthy. Schiff does not meet that high standard.”
Despite the Republicans best efforts, Democrats were unmoved and voted to table the censure resolution against Chairman Schiff.
“Since November 9, 2016, the day after Donald Trump was elected president with 306 pledged electoral votes, Socialist Democrats have engaged in a highly-orchestrated fraud on America by seeking to remove President Trump and repudiate the 2016 election,” Brooks concluded. “I urge the American people to see past the Socialist Democrat fraud.”
H.Res. 630 has 171 Republican cosponsors. Congressman Brooks is an original cosponsor, meaning he cosponsored the resolution before it was introduced. The motion to table H.Res. 630 passed 218 to 185. Not one House Democrat voted to condemn Schiff’s conduct.