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Jones says that Alabama Republican leaders “clearly do not want a Senator who will follow his or her oath to defend the Constitution”

On Tuesday, the Alabama Republican Party held a press conference in which it called on U.S. Sen. Doug Jones, D-Alabama, to stand with the majority of Alabamians and oppose the impeachment of President Donald Trump. On Wednesday, Jones responded, saying that, “It is my obligation to weigh all of the facts fairly before making a decision.”

“This is not a time for partisan rhetoric or political stunts,” Jones said in a statement to the Alabama Political Reporter. “If this matter was not so serious, the characterization made by the Alabama Republican Party leadership would be a laughable attempt to pack as many hyper-partisan cliches as possible into a sound bite. They clearly do not want a Senator who will follow his or her oath to defend the Constitution. As a U.S. Senator, it is my obligation to weigh all the facts fairly before making a decision, and we don’t have all the facts yet. What I have seen so far raises legitimate concern for our national security and there appears to be evidence of abuse of power. I hope for the sake of our country that we can find the truth together.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-California, has ordered an impeachment inquiry into whether or not Pres. Trump broke the law while talking to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The President’s Democratic critics claim that he threatened to withhold U.S. military aid to Ukraine if Zelensky did not investigate former Vice President Joe Biden (D), whose son, Hunter Biden, had a very lucrative contract with natural gas giant Burisma there.

The President has denied these allegations and called the reports, “A hoax.”

“As Senator Jones with Alabamians… or on another exhausting and wasteful chapter looking to destroying our president?” Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said. “He certainly wasn’t with Justice Kavanaugh. Or will he stay with his group – the Squad, the Mob and his teammates of Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden? These are the folks he embraces along with their left of left platform policies… and in one of the reddest states in the nation, their platform is NOT Alabama.”

“I encourage Alabamians to ask Senator Jones for a definitive answer as we all deserve to know where their Senator stands in this impeachment charade,” Lathan added. “We are all watching and will hold him accountable if he joins his party trying to upend our constitution.”

The Alabama Republican Party has made defeating Doug Jones one of its two major goals, along with re-electing Donald Trump in 2020.

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Doug Jones’ campaign reports that they have raised over $2 million in the third quarter of 2019 alone. Jones has over 26,000 donors and over $5 million in cash-on-hand. The Jones campaign says that this will allow his campaign to continue building on its grassroots outreach, volunteer training, listening to Alabamians and driving home Doug’s message of One Alabama.

Jones is hoping to build a bipartisan coalition of supporters in order to win re-election.

The Jones One Alabama campaign appeal showcases Doug’s history, his roots in the state, and his record of fighting for Alabama’s diverse communities.

“Despite our flaws and sometimes checkered past, I love this state and her people,” said Sen. Jones. “It’s why I stayed here to raise my family. It’s why I chose to serve, Despite our differences, we all want to be treated equally and given the same opportunities…to be One Alabama.”

Already six Republicans are running to be the GOP nominee to face Jones in the 2020 election. These include: State Representative Arnold Mooney, former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville, Congressman Bradley Byrne, Secretary of State John H. Merrill, former Chief Justice Roy Moore, and businessman Stanley Adair.

The Republican primary will be on March 3.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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