High school and college students can now apply to become an unpaid poll worker on election day, thanks to a new law that went into effect September 1.
To qualify, students must be recommended by a principal other school official, or the person responsible for the student’s home schooling and must be at least 16 years of age at the time of the election. High school students must be classified as a junior or senior or the equivalent, according to the Secretary of State’s website.
Students must also be enrolled in a public high school, an accredited private high school, home instruction program or two-year or four-year higher education institution. They must also be residents of the county or municipality for which the appointment is made.
Before performing any duties, student interns shall attend all required training for poll workers of the county or municipality and any additional training considered necessary by the officials in charge of the election in the county or municipality.
A student intern who works four or more hours in a day during school hours on the day of an election or any day of training shall be entitled to an excused absence from school.
“We are excited that the Alabama Legislature and Governor Ivey have given us the opportunity to allow young people who are interested in participating in government to make a real and significant impact in the elections process!” said Secretary of State John Merrill, in a statement Monday.
Students interested in applying can visit the Secretary of State’s website for more information and to download an application.