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Republicans denounce Pelosi decision to open impeachments inquiry against Trump

President Donald Trump speaking in 2017 just outside Harrisburg. Staff Sgt. Tony Harp/U.S. Air National Guard

A number of Alabama Republicans issued statements denouncing Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-California) announcement that the House of Representatives is opening an impeachment inquiry against President Donald J. Trump (R).

Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan called the decision “deplorable.”

“The actions of the Democrats today are simply deplorable, to use a phrase they know so well,” Chairman Lathan said in a statement. “They have spent the last three years trying to destroy Donald J. Trump by any means — fake news, investigations that went nowhere, using a fake dossier to stop him with other low moments — and after repeated failure they are now opening an impeachment inquiry without any evidence and before a single transcript is released. This is no longer just an attack on our President — it is an all out political war on the American citizens who chose President Trump to sit in the White House. We see through the Democrats’ election year tactics and their attempt to once again overturn the will of the people. Their shameful antics and national hissy fits are a true disservice to our beloved nation as they are attacking all who elected President Trump.”

Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Saks) said that “Democrats are obsessed with impeachment.”

“Nancy Pelosi and her socialist horde in the House cannot accept that Donald Trump won the election in 2016 fair and square. From the Russia hoax, to fake obstruction, to fanning recession fears, to calls to world leaders, Democrats are obsessed with impeachment,” Rep. Rogers said. “If only the Democrats would put this much effort in making America great again.”

Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said that if the Democrats had any evidence against Trump, they would already have impeached him.

“Frankly, if Socialist Democrats had evidence proving guilt, they would have already impeached President Trump,” said Brooks. “Further, the Bill Clinton fiasco established the Congressional standard for impeachment. Under the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, Congress should not impeach ANY president for any crime equal to or less than the felonies committed by President Clinton: felony perjury and obstruction of justice. After all, President Clinton was not removed from office even though he confessed to committing felonies while in office. Treating different presidents “unequally” is a hyper-partisan miscarriage of justice & violation of the 14th Amendment.”

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Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) vowed to fight efforts to impeach Trump.

“I will vehemently fight these efforts to impeach President Trump,” Byrne said. “The radical Squad has taken over the Democrat Party, and the American people will see right through this nonsense. President Trump has been the conservative leader that our country needs, and Democrats just can’t stand that he is getting the job done.”

Byrne is running for the Senate seat currently held by Doug Jones (D).

“I have a straightforward question for Alabama’s Democrat Senator Doug Jones: do you support these impeachment proceedings?” Byrne asked. “Every leader in our country should have to say whether they stand with President Trump and the American people or if they stand with the Socialist Squad.”

If the Democratic controlled House of Representatives were to impeach Trump the U.S. Senate would have to stand in trial to judge whether the House allegations have any merit or not; and if so, what is the appropriate punishment, if any.

“The President has not been involved in any activity that would be deemed an impeachable offense according to the Constitution or the code,” Alabama Secretary of State and U.S. Senate candidate John H. Merrill said. “With that being said, it’s obvious that the Democrats continue to implore this particular effort to distract from the great work that he continues to do as our nation’s chief executive!”

“The Constitution states a president can only be impeached for ‘Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.’ Hatred, dislike or a desire for Socialism & Open Borders do not support gutting the people’s will and overturning properly held elections,” Brooks stated. “Socialist Democrats have yet to produce ANY credible evidence of President Trump’s violation of a SINGLE, SPECIFIC federal criminal statute that constitutes ‘Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.’”

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“I am sick and tired of petty party politics,” former Chief Justice Roy Moore said. “President Trump has been under investigation ever since he took office. Were the Clintons or Obamas ever under as much scrutiny as Trump currently is? Both parties should spend more time focusing on real issues and stop using their positions to play political games with the media. It is ridiculous that this is the subject of national news when there are so many other things to address.”

“In calling for an impeachment inquiry Nancy Pelosi has bowed down to the most radical elements of the Democratic) Party,” Trump Finance Committee member Perry O. Hooper (R-Montgomery) said. “It appears that “The Squad” now runs the House of Representatives. The American people will see right through this charade. They want Congress to tackle the important issues facing the country such as border security not wasting more of their money on partisan witch hunts.”

Senate candidate Stanley Adair told a crowd in Gulf Shores, that we need a Senator who would. “Stand up to those crazies in Washington. We have got some of them trying to impeach the President tonight.”

“I look forward to upcoming hearings revealing whether there is credible evidence of an impeachable offense or whether this is just another ‘Russian Collusion Witch-Hunt,’ as everything to date suggests it is,” Brooks stated. “In any event, I will abide by my oath of office to defend and protect the Constitution. I will examine all evidence. I will apply that evidence to governing federal criminal statutes. I will apply 14th Amendment equal protection principles. I will vote accordingly.”

If the Democratic controlled House advances and passes an impeachment resolution on partisan lines it is unlikely that the Republican controlled Senate will find the President guilty of anything and might not even address the issue. Two Presidents have been impeached. No President has ever been removed by the Senate. Richard Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.


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