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Alabama Republicans accuse media of character assassination of Brett Kavanaugh

Alabama Republicans defended Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after the New York Times published accusations of sexual misconduct. Republicans say the media failing to mention that the alleged victim refused to speak with reporters about it points to media bias.

“The disgusting tactics of major news outlets who create fake news meant only to disrupt our political process must be stopped,” Senate candidate Roy Moore said in a statement. “So what should Justice Kavanaugh do? Nothing! He has been confirmed by the Senate and cannot be removed except by the Senate after impeachment by the House.”

“Removal for failure of ‘good Behaviour’ under Article 3, Section 1 of the Constitution of the United States applies only during one’s term of office, not to allegations dating back 20, 30, or 40 years,” Moore said. “The real purpose of liberal Democrats is to stop conservative views by defeating candidates at the polls using false allegations or intimidating them once they take office to silence their conservative philosophy.”

“To quote Ronald Regan ‘here you go again.’ Despite the most disgusting, evidence-free effort at character assassination of a Supreme Court nominee in history, the combined forces of The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, CNBC, bottom-feeding Senate Democrats, and other constituencies on the left, Brent Kavanaugh’s nomination to The Supreme Court was confirmed,” Trump finance committee member Perry O. Hooper Jr. said in a statement on Thursday. “One of the most qualified candidates for the Supreme Court in recent memory managed — just barely — to slip through the gauntlet of baseless accusation, wild fantasy, and prurient hysteria and ascended to the country’s highest court.”

“The Democrat-media complex is pushing fake news on a daily basis against President Donald J. Trump,” Congressman Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose, said. “Now they have again set their sights on Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I’ll stand side by side with President Trump to fight back against the media’s lies and smears.”

“Now led by the New York Times they are at it again,” Hooper added. “The York Times is accusing Justice Brent Kavanagh of an incident of sexual assault over 30 years ago based on the word of Max Stier. Stier is a Democratic activist who was on the defense team for President Clinton during his proven sexual misconduct debacles in the 1990s. The problem is the woman supposedly involved in the incident does not remember it ever occurring. A fact the New York Times conveniently left out of its initial reporting of the story.”

“Using fake news democrats are STILL trying to ruin Justice Kavanaugh,” former Auburn head football Coach Tommy Tuberville said on social media. “The Dems want to flip the SC to support their radical agenda.”

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“By the time the story was updated with this most important fact, the feeding frenzy had begun,” Hooper stated. “Every single Democratic Presidential Candidate, as well as most of the national media were calling for Judge Kavanaugh’s impeachment. This kind of irresponsible journalistic behavior is exactly why we have libel and defamation of character laws. Justice Kavanaugh should take the unprecedented action for a seating Supreme Court Justice and sue the Times for all it is worth.”

“It is about time we stand up to their agenda which threatens to destroy our Country,” Moore added. “I recently spoke out against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), an avowed Muslim, for her anti-Semitic comments and criticism of the U.S. military, and I will forcefully defend Justice Kavanaugh against the New York Times and against Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), who recently who introduced a bill of impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh.”

Moore, Tuberville, and Byrne are all candidates for U.S. Senate. Hooper is considering a run for the open Second Congressional District seat.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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As I look back on my time in the Alabama Senate, I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of representing you.