As of Sept. 1, permanently disabled Alabamians can apply to be placed on a permanent absentee voter list, which will automatically mail them absentee ballots for future elections.
The state Legislature during the 2019 regular session approved the new law, which requires the applications to be signed and notarized by the disabled voter’s primary doctor.
Once it’s verified that the voter’s disability prevents the person from voting in person, they’ll be placed on the permanent absentee voter list. Disabled voters must also send a copy of valid photo identification when turning in applications.
“I would like to commend Representative Victor Gaston, R-Mobile, and Senator Vivian Figures, D-Mobile, for their dedication in making this possible,” said Secretary of State John Merrill in a press release Thursday. “We want all eligible Alabamians to be able to participate in the electoral process without impediments. We must do everything we can to remove these boundaries in order to make voting as easy as possible.”
The application for a permanent disability absentee ballot can be found here and can be turned in to the voter’s absentee ballot manager in person or by U.S. mail. To find your absentee ballot manager’s address visit here.