Sunday, U.S. Senator Doug Jones, D-Alabama, launched his re-election campaign at a campaign rally in Birmingham. The theme of the Jones campaign is: “One-Alabama.”
Jones released a video that highlighting the Senator’s vision of unity and his history of standing up for all Alabamians
Jones was joined by the Birmingham community, his family, elected officials and Alabamians from across the state at the launch of his ‘One Alabama’ campaign.
His launch video outlines Doug’s Alabama roots: growing up in Fairfield, attending school in Alabama, his service as U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, his fight to convict two Klansmen for the then still unsolved 1963 bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham killing four little girls, to the “greatest honor and proudest moment” of Doug’s life, when the people of Alabama elected Jones to the United States Senate in 2017 over former Chief Justice Roy Moore.
The launch of One Alabama showcases Doug’s history, his roots in the state and his record of fighting for Alabama’s diverse communities.
“Despite our flaws and sometimes checkered past, I love this state and her people,” said Sen. Jones. “It’s why I stayed here to raise my family. It’s why I chose to serve, Despite our differences, we all want to be treated equally and given the same opportunities…to be One Alabama.”
One Alabama also includes Alabamians from all ages and backgrounds showcasing the issues that Jones claims matter to them. These include: safe places to live and work, good jobs with living wages and secure retirements, markets for farmers and businesses, a strong military, and an education that equips Alabama’s children with the tools they need to succeed.
Jones hopes that he can somehow build a bipartisan coalition of support that will allow him to win as a Democrat in arguably the reddest state in the country.
Jones presently has no opponent in the Democratic primary, even though some within the Alabama Democratic Party bitterly oppose Jones’ Democratic National Committee (DNC) backed effort to get new leadership and a more diverse state Democratic Executive Committee.
A number of Republicans are running to be the GOP nominee to face Jones in the 2020 election. These include: State Representative Arnold Mooney, former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville, Congressman Bradley Byrne, Secretary of State John H. Merrill, former Chief Justice Roy Moore, and businessman Stanley Adair.
Jones narrowly defeated Judge Moore in a special election in December 2017. The Alabama Republican Party who has won every other statewide contest since 2008 is eager to unseat Jones,
The major party primaries will be on March 3.
The general election will be November 3, 2020.