Saturday, over 400 Alabama Republican Party State Executive Committee members, Republican elected officials and candidates gathered at the Hotel at Auburn University on Saturday, August 24, 2019, for the party’s bi-annual meeting.
“I am so proud of our members,” Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said. “While we truly are the ‘big tent’ party, with a variety of ideas on how to accomplish our goals, our membership worked respectfully together in order to make our party stronger. We surpassed our goals in a solid unifying meeting to Keep America Great and win back the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Doug Jones who repeatedly ignores the majority of Alabamians.”
On Friday, Chris Carr addressed the group at the Summer Dinner. Carr is the Political Director for Donald J. Trump for President and the Republican National Committee.
The executive committee focused its work on several resolutions and prepared for the upcoming 2020 Alabama Republican Primary.
The ALGOP State Executive Committee rejected a proposed change to the bylaws that would have taken the election of delegates to the national convention away from Alabama Republican primary voters and given it instead to the Committee itself. The executive committee already picks alternate delegates.
The Executive Committee passed the following two resolutions regarding the the 2020 Republican Primary:
The 2020 Presidential Preference Primary Resolution, establishing qualifying procedures, dates and fees for candidates wanting to run in the Alabama Republican Presidential Primary on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, as well as the process to elect Republican National Convention delegates and alternates.
The 2020 Primary Resolution, establishing qualifying procedures, dates and fees for all other elected positions on the 2020 Alabama Republican Primary ballot.
The Committee set the qualifying for the 2020 Republican primary to open on October 8, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. and set the end of qualifying for November 8, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. central standard time.
The Committee voted to limit future meeting where officers are elected to not further south than Montgomery or further north than Birmingham. This limits the driving distances for members of the committee.
The Committee passed an additional six resolutions. These resolutions included: opposing at state constitutional amendment ending the elected school board, praising the legislature and governor for standing up for Judeo Christian values, praising the legislature and governor for passing the nation’s strictest abortion ban, calling on Congress to expel Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, declaring that the U.S. will never be a socialist country, and renaming the ALGOP state headquarters building in Hoover honor of former Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead who bought the building and raised the money for the building.
The winter meeting will be in February at the Prattville Conference Center and Country Club.
The Alabama Republican Party holds 65 percent of all the partisan elected offices in Alabama. The party has lost only one statewide race since 2008.