Monday State Rep. Tommy Hanes, R-Bryant, announced plans to introduce a resolution at Saturday’s Alabama Republican Party State Executive Committee meeting calling for the expulsion of controversial Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota, for what he calls her “anti-American” sentiments.
The resolution takes issue with Omar for her language regarding U.S. war veterans, the 9/11 terror attacks, her comments regarding ISIS and positions she has taken on Israel.
“I, along with most Alabamians. are tired of Rep. Omar’s anti-American sentiments. I’m calling upon the Alabama delegation in Washington to start proceedings to expel her from her seat in the House of Representatives.”
“I believe she has broken her oath of office with her anti-American sentiments,” Hanes continued. “Any member of congress that chooses to break their oath to defend the U.S. constitution should be removed from office.”
The proposed resolution reads in part, “Rep. Omar has engaged in rhetoric that explicitly runs counter to American values and patriotism by falsely accusing U.S. armed forces of committing war crimes while on mission to liberate her home country of Somalia.”
Omar erroneously stated on Twitter in 2017 that thousands of Somalis were killed by American forces in what she called the worst attack in Somali history.
Earlier this month, the Young Republicans of Northeast Alabama unanimously passed a resolution condemning Omar.
YRNEA Chairman Dylan Smith authored the resolution.
“We felt as if it was time to take a stand against this unabashed radicalism. Her animosity toward our nation and hatred of American identity uniquely disqualifies her from serving as a U.S. Representative.”
Hanes’ resolution concludes by stating “the Alabama Republican Party urges its elected congressional delegation to proceed with the expulsion process in accordance to Article 1, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution to expel Rep. Ilhan Omar from the United States House of Representatives.”
“The United States is a nation that welcomes those who wish to assimilate to our freedom loving culture,” Smith added. “Rep. Omar is an ungrateful Socialist ideologue who is ashamed of the country she represents. I am proud of Rep. Hanes for his courageous leadership in this effort.”
The 550 members of the Alabama Republican Party State Executive Committee will consider the resolution, as well as other business, when they meet on Saturday for their annual summer meeting.
Omar and fellow Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Talib, D-Michigan, recently were banned by the nation of Israel for their activities in promoting a boycott against the Jewish state.
Omar is from Somalia but has become a naturalized U.S. citizen. She has angered many, even in her own party, for what they believe to be “anti-Semitic statements.”
The resolution states that: “WHEREAS, Rep. Omar dismissed the 9/11 terror attacks waged by radical Islam on the World Trade Center by stating “some people did something.”
“WHEREAS, Rep. Omar sympathized with a convicted terrorist and member of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria by advocating a U.S. District Judge for sentencing leniency,” the resolution added. “WHEREAS, Rep. Omar has a disturbing record of using anti-Semitic language that includes alleging Jewish money is used to buy American influence regarding its policy toward Israel; Rep. Omar is also a supporter of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign.”
Both Hanes and Smith are Jackson County Republican Party Executive Committee Members.
If passed, the resolution would likely not lead to Omar’s expulsion as it is not binding on members of Congress, and the Democratic Party controls the House of Representatives.