Our means of sharing and receiving information is constantly changing as the media landscape evolves.
Twitter has cemented itself as a home for political discourse, where elected officials and celebrities can instantly reach the public to share their latest opinions and personal news, as well as the site that journalists spend most of their social media energy on.
According to a survey from Muck Rack, a company that connects public relations professionals with journalists, eighty-three percent of journalists said that Twitter was the most valuable social media platform to them. Facebook and Linkedin were far behind at second and third.
Nearly half of all journalists are moving away from Facebook, taking much of their time to Facebook-owned Instagram. And interestingly enough, six percent of journalists said they plan to spend more time on TikTok next year.
The survey also examined journalists’ preferences on how they are pitched a story. Journalists are practically in unison proclaiming their preference for being reached via a one-on-one email.
In fact, it’s the only channel listed on which most journalists like to be pitched—calls and Twitter messages were both viewed unfavorably by journalists.
Sixty-five percent said they wanted to be pitched before 11 a.m. As far as working with public relations professionals, most journalists said they viewed the relationship as mutually beneficial, but not quite a partnership.
Fifty-seven percent of journalists were optimistic about the future of the profession.
The study surveyed 700 journalists, 69 percent of which were based in the United States.