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Civil War Living History event today with a skirmish on Saturday

The Alabama Historical Commission and the Confederate Memorial Park are hosting their Annual Civil War Living History and Saturday Skirmish on Saturday,

Today’s event begins at 9:00 am today and lasts until 1:00 pm. Saturday’s event will be from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday. Both will be held at Alabama’s Confederate Memorial Park in Marbury. The Park is in Chilton County and is convenient to I-65.

At Friday’s event, students and the general public will experience outdoor living history demonstrations performed by authentically uniformed and equipped Union and Confederate reenactors.

The Civil War Living History demonstrations and activities include: infantry drill and firing; cavalry horses and equipment; artillery firing; commissary and wagon; soldier’s equipment; uniforms; music; flags; civilian life; infantry drills with student participation; and a Civil War Camp of Instruction including barracks, officers’ quarters, commissary, and guard house.

On Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 am to 11:30 visitors will experience additional living history demonstrations, a cemetery ceremony, and a skirmish between Union and Confederate reenactors starting at 1:00 pm.

Admission to all outdoor activities is $2.00 per person each day and admission to the state-of-the-art museum is an additional $2.00 per person each day. Souvenirs, drinks, snacks, and hot dogs will be available for purchase. Students on school tours are encouraged to bring their own lunches.

The park also offers self-guided tours of the site of Alabama’s only Home for Confederate veterans including two cemeteries where 298 veterans rest along with 15 veteran’s wives and widows. The site showcases a nature trail that combines an Alabama “Treasure Forest” with features from the Soldiers’ Home.

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The Confederate Memorial Park is a historic property of the Alabama Historical Commission.

The Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 and was the costliest war in American history as measured by the number of Americans killed and wounded.

Alabama is celebrating its bicentennial as a state this year.

For more information, museum reservations, souvenir purchases, or other details contact the Park at 205-755-1990.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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