Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, received the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s prestigious Spirit of Enterprise Award on April 4 for his strong 2018 record of support for free enterprise and opposition to socialism.
The Spirit of Enterprise Award is given annually to members of Congress based on rankings the U.S. Chamber gives for key pro-Free Enterprise, pro-economic growth, pro-jobs votes.
“A battle rages in America between Free Enterprise and its mortal enemy: Socialism,” Brooks said. “I’m thankful to be recognized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one of America’s premiere Free Enterprise organizations, for my efforts for Free Enterprise and against evil socialism. History proves that free enterprise is the path to a nation’s prosperity, while socialism is deadly and ultimately leads to tyranny and human misery. The U.S. Chamber is a key ally for pro-free enterprise members of Congress who are fighting the Socialist onslaught led by radical Socialist Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.”
The U.S. Chamber scored 12 house votes in the second session of the 116th Congress including lessening the regulatory burden on business and key tax repeals. Senators and representatives who supported the Chamber of Commerce’s position on at least 70 percent of these key votes received the Spirit of Enterprise award.
Three-hundred and eighteen lawmakers earned the Chamber’s Spirit of Enterprise award for their record during the second session of the 115th Congress.
“Every day, all across the country, America’s business owners and job creators serve their communities and strengthen their economies,” said U.S. Chamber President and CEO Tom Donohue. “We commend those leaders in Washington who recognize the vital role these businesses play and support them through commonsense, growth-oriented policy.”
Donohue has been president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce since 1997 and has built the chamber into a lobbying and political powerhouse with expanded influence across the globe.
Mo Brooks represents Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District.