Former Chief Justice Roy Moore called on the Washington Post and New York Times to release their copy of the report on Project Birmingham, the darks ops political effort used by Democratic operatives in the 2017 special election.
The Judge Roy Moore Legal Defense Fund today called on the Washington Post, and the New York Times to release their copies of the Project Birmingham “After-Action Report” widely blamed for promulgating what the media has called a “Russian-style” disinformation campaign.
Moore and his Legal Defense Fund are also calling on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to investigate how TDIP, New Knowledge, and former SSCI staffers allegedly collaborated on perpetrating the disinformation campaign during the 2017 special senate election.
“This is the height of hypocrisy as the Democrats now demand that the Mueller report be released, but desperately try to keep another report secret,” Moore added. “The Democrats and media can’t ask for the release one report and then hide behind another that details the fraud perpetrated on Alabama in 2017 and keep their credibility.”
“There are 12 pages in the report, but only six of those pages have been made public,” Moore reported. “The rest of that report should be made public. The same media actors who perpetrated the bogus Russia-collusion narrative on the American people for the last two years are helping to cover up how the very same type of campaign was used to interfere in the election of a U.S. Senator in Alabama.”
Moore alleged that, “The very same entities who created the now widely discredited Steele Dossier worked to peddle falsehoods here in Alabama. It’s time we shine a light on all this fraud, and get to the bottom of it so we can keep bad actors in both parties from doing this again.”
U.S. Senator Doug Jones, D-Alabama, who allegedly benefitted from these deceptive tactics, has publicly denounced the unscrupulous social media tactics; which included fake profiles on social media pretending to be Alabama Republicans who despised Roy Moore) and the use of Russia bots to create a Facebook and Twitter mob that promoted accusations against Moore, harassed Moore’s supporters, and either promoted a Republicans for Jones narrative or urged Republicans to write in a hopeless “anybody but Moore” campaign..
“Democrats have called for an investigation into the election fraud with the FEC, but now that it’s clear Democrat elements within the U.S. Senate were likely involved with the fraud, and Alabama Democrats haven’t followed through with their tough talk,” Moore alleged. “Instead, Alabama Democrats are already talking about adding illegals and other non-voting populations to the ballot.”
“At a time when the media are calling for the full release of the Mueller Report — an idea I fully support — some of the same press outlets who were complicit with pushing false narratives in Alabama’s 2017 special election are sitting on information that would shed light onto how exactly dark money finds its way from Obama-affiliated non-profits to shell PACs working with Big Tech billionaires to buy elections,” Moore concluded.
While Republicans control the U.S. Senate and could hold hearings on the 2017 special election; key GOP Senators remain staunchly opposed to Moore as a candidate. Senator Cory Gardner, R-Colorado, headed the National Senate Republican Committee in 2017. Under his leadership, the NRSC squandered almost $50 million, that could perhaps have been better used to help vulnerable Republican candidates in the 2018 general elections in Arizona and Nevada, in the Alabama special Republican Primary.
That money was spent on media buys attacking Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) and Moore; while pushing appointed Senator Luther Strange’s campaign. Many Alabamians believed that Strange had gotten his appointment by agreeing not to indict then Governor Robert Bentley and no amount of money could ever gain Strange that trust back. Even President Donald J. Trump coming to Alabama to campaign for Strange did nothing to resurrect Strange’s flagging campaign, Strange kept saying over and over again at their one debate “Donald Trump is my friend,” “He chose me.” It did not help.
Rather than embrace Moore as the GOP nominee, Gardner refused to support Moore.
“Roy Moore will never have the support of the senatorial committee,” Gardner said. “We will never endorse him. We won’t support him. I won’t let that happen. Nothing will change. I stand by my previous statement.”
Gardner cited allegations, published first in the Washington Post, that Moore mistreated teenage girls in the 1970s. Gardner believed the allegations against Moore, whom he already despised; but did not believe allegations last year against Brett Kavanaugh, whom he voted to confirm. Moore, like Kavanaugh, denies ever abusing any women.
Moore has not ruled out running for Senate again. Rather than staying out of Alabama Republican Party business, the NRSC has vowed to fight Moore in the Alabama Primary again. Providing more evidence that the 2017 special election was somehow tainted against Moore/
Jones, denies that he won his seat because of Operation Birmingham, and has challenged Moore to a rematch in 2020.