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Palmer addresses the Alabama Republican Assembly

Rep. Gary Palmer, R-Alabama, told the Alabama Republican Assembly that if we passed the Green New Deal it will do nothing to reduce carbon in the atmosphere.

The Alabama Republican Assembly was holding their annual meeting at the Islamorama Restaurant at Bass Pro Shop in Prattville, Alabama.

“My name ID was 4 percent, and half of the people who thought they knew me, thought I was a golfer, and that was my poll,” Palmer said when he first decided to run for Congress.

After getting the bad news, he got in his pickup truck to tell his wife he was not going to run for Congress, Palmer said.

“My wife was never going to be involved in politics,” Palmer said. “I thought she would be relieved. Instead she said, ‘You say that the hardest part about politics is getting good people to run. How can you expect other people to go when you won’t?’ I knew then that I had to do it.”

Palmer said Republicans can win, but not by giving rabble rousing speeches and it is not through a clever new ad campaign.

“The country is desperate for authenticity,” he said.

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“He is odd,” Palmer said of President Donald Trump. “I think he could tweet less and get more done, but he is who he is, and that is why the people like him. He is comfortable in his own skin.”

“You’re the best of the best and the cream of the crop,” Palmer said Rick Scarborough told him, Brooks and the rest of the Freedom Caucus.

“Out of 320 million people, I am absolutely certain that there are people who are smarter than we are, people that are better than we are, but we are the willing,” Palmer said he told Scarborough.

“We are the most divided that we have ever been,” Palmer said. “[Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] is not just a poor bartender who felt called to run for Congress. He parents are fairly affluent. There is big money behind her. This is not your average bartender that ran for Congress. She said that she would primary the moderates. I wish she would give me the list because I do not know who the moderates are (among House Democrats). The moderates are the socialists. The radicals are full blown communists.”

“There is only one true socialist running for president, and that is Bernie Sanders, and he has been a socialist his whole life,” Palmer said. “They will compete for the left in the primaries, and that once they have the nomination, they will run to the center left in the general election.”

Palmer said Democrats oppose the Electoral College because “they want the election determined by the big cities and the coasts. They consider everything else flyover country.”

“There first bill (H.R. 1) would make it easier to steal elections,” Palmer said.

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He praised Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill, who was in attendance and expressed support for Alabama’s voter ID law.

“Then, there is the Green New Deal,” Palmer said. “The idea that 10 years from now, that we won’t be flying in planes, and we wont be eating beef is absurd. I know about this issue. I know that if we did everything they wanted to do, it won’t do anything about carbon.”

Palmer said he asked some environmentalists testifying about carbon-based fuels about the carbon being emitted by the Chinese. He said they claimed, “The Chinese are implementing their own plan. China wants to be the dominant economy and they will do it if we implement this. They have infiltrated our universities. They have infiltrated our environmental groups.”

Palmer said what the left is “trying to get control of energy. Whoever controls energy controls the economy.”

“They are pushing for Medicare for all-single payer,” Palmer said. “I asked some of this which single payor country should be a model for America. They said Canada. Palmer said that in Canada from 25,000 to 68,000 people have died because they have had to wait for care. A woman diagnosed with breast cancer waits 18 weeks in an urban area for treatment. The wait is 31 weeks in rural Canada. If a woman waits 18 to 31 weeks for cancer treatment she is much more likely to die; that is why Canadians come across the border for routine treatment. British Columbia ran out of money in November, and patients had to wait until January for care.”

“What they are really doing is trying to take control of people’s lives,” Palmer said. “When you control people’s healthcare, you control people’s lives.”

“Maxine Waters is trying to restore the onerous regulatory regime the Obama administration put in place with Dodd Frank,” Palmer said. “Rolling back regulations with the Congressional Review Act, that’s what got the economy rolling. She wants her party to control capital.”

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Palmer said the Democrats pushed two gun control bills through the House.

“If they get control of the House, Senate and the Whitehouse again you will see it,” Palmer said. “When you take control of energy, take control of healthcare, take control of capital and take away guns, you have taken control.”

“I have known Gary Palmer for 30 years,” Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill said.

Merrill said he has known Palmer since “he was going around the state trying to organize the Alabama Policy Institute. He was the cofounder of API along with Judge Tom Parker. He like I grew up in the country.”

“We were taught that if we worked hard enough our abilities would take as far,” Merrill said of growing up in the Alabama countryside.

Merrill said when Spencer Bachus announced he was not going to run for another term, Palmer “decided that he could do more than he was doing. He became one of the seven or eight people running in the Republican Primary. It was not whether or not he could do the job, but could he raise the money to be viable? He kept his nose down, kept his head down and worked and got in the Republican runoff.”

Merrill said that was when he knew that Palmer would win.

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“In Congress, he has distinguished himself as a policy wonk,” Merrill said. “Gary is now the number five person in the Republican House leadership.

“Please pray for everyone in Washington,” said Alabama Republican Assembly President Jennifer Montrose.

“I believe there is a need for a great awakening in this country,” Montrose added. “The Republican Assembly is the conscience of the Republican Party.”

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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