On Feb. 27, 1951, the 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified to impose term limits on the presidency.
The first president, George Washington, left the office after two terms.
Every President after him followed the two-term tradition set by Washington, until Franklin D. Roosevelt.
FDR, despite failing health, ran for a third term in 1940 and then a fourth term in 1944. Roosevelt died in office in 1945. The post World War II Congress amended the Constitution so no President could ever do that again. Term limit advocates want similar limits on members of Congress.
“We’ve declared this day as National Term Limits Day!” said term limits advocate Shanna Marie Chamblee. “If it’s good enough for the president, it’s good enough for congress, right!?!”
“Per a 1995 Supreme Court ruling it was ruled that in order to have term limits on US Congress it MUST be an AMENDMENT to the Constitution,” Chamblee explained. “That being said, there are TWO methods to adding an amendment to the Constitution, BOTH are encompassed in Article V (5) of the US Constitution… and we’re attempting a movement via BOTH means!”
“The first method is by way of Congress introducing and Passing (through both houses) an amendment proposal, then it going to the states to be ratified (38 states must ratify),” Chamblee explained. “Thank you Ted Cruz and Francis Rooney for Sponsoring such!”
“The second method is by way 2/3rds of the states (34) applying for a Convention to propose an amendment,” Chamblee continued. “Once 34 states pass resolutions applying for a particular topic (in our case, Congressional Term Limits), a Convention will be held for the sole purpose outlined in said application of 34 states to form an agreement on what the terms/language should be…. then just as when proposed by Congress, the proposal coming forth from that Convention would be sent to the states, in hopes that 38 will ratify. In the end, we hope that the 28th amendment to the US Constitution will be TERM LIMITS on US CONGRESS!”
The Alabama legislature has already the bill asking that there be an Article V amendment convention to address term limits. Chamblee and term limits advocates will hold an event in Pike Road thanking the Alabama legislature for passing the measure.
“I hope that all of our friends and supporters will join us for our National Term Limits Day Celebration on Wednesday February 27th at SweetCreek Farms Market in Pike Road Alabama and/or at room 406 CLOB at the Georgia Capitol,” Chamblee said. The Montgomery County event will be at 6:00 p.m.