Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill announced Tuesday the newly appointed members of the Probate Judges’ Advisory Council.
The council works with Secretary Merrill to ensure the state’s election systems and business filing processes continue their path of modernization while still preserving the security and integrity of those systems.
The members of the committee are as follows: Judge James Tatum from Bullock County; Judge Daniel Rosser from Colbert County; Judge Jimmy Nunn from Dallas County; Judge David Money from Henry County; Judge Frank Barger from Madison County; Judge Laurie Hall from Marengo County; Judge Al Harden from Russell County; Judge Rob Robertson from Tuscaloosa County; Judge Nick Williams in Washington County; and Judge Brittney Jones-Alexander from Wilcox County.
Secretary of State John Merrill is in his second term as Alabama Secretary of State. Since being elected, he has worked to improve the speed of the office’s business filings, and increase voter participation and registration, while making it harder for unscrupulous people to engage in voter fraud.
Prior to his service as Secretary of State, Merrill served one term in the Alabama House of Representatives. He has worked in banking, for the Tuscaloosa County Industrial Development Authority, for the West Alabama Chamber of Commerce, for Randall Publishing and as the Director of Community Relations for the Tuscaloosa County Board of Education. Merrill is term limited from running again for Secretary of State. His later father was the Probate Judge Horace Merrill of Cleburne County.