President Donald Trump spoke 0ver 90 minutes to a joint session of Congress explaining his vision for the country in the 2019 State of the Union address on Tuesday.
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan stated that Alabama is proud to support Trump.
“Alabama is proud to be a consistent and strong supporter of President Trump and his policies,” Chairman Lathan said. “His efforts to keep our nation safe, both internationally and at our borders are what America needs to remain secure. It is imperative that we build a wall to enforce our nation’s immigration laws and stop the flow of drugs, human traffickers and dangerous criminals from harming our citizens. It is American to embrace legal immigrants and the value they bring to America while simultaneously recognizing that our broken immigration system must be fixed.”
U.S. Senator Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, praised Trump’s State of the Union speech.
“Tonight, President Trump outlined a policy agenda that both parties can work together to achieve,” Senator Shelby said. “During his first two years in office, the president has delivered on many promises to the American people, including signing historic tax reform into law, creating one of the strongest economies I have seen in my lifetime and focusing on vital infrastructure projects.”
U.S. Representative Gary Palmer, R-Hoover, expressed his support for the president and his agenda.
“The President’s theme tonight of choosing greatness was what I think the nation needed to hear,” Congressman Palmer said. “He made it clear that we have a choice — we can choose to continue to pursue agendas that will weaken us, or we can choose an agenda that will unite us and ensure a bright and secure future for America. A strong economy, a strong value for life at all stages and strong border security are all things that should unite us. We are certainly better off now than we were two years ago. Under this administration, businesses have expanded, burdensome regulations have been eliminated, people are taking home bigger paychecks, and many businesses that had left the U.S. have returned. President Trump noted tonight: ‘The U.S. economy is growing almost twice as fast as when I took office, and we are considered by far and away the hottest economy in the world. … More people are working now than ever before in our history – 157 million people at work.’”
“President Trump showed true leadership through his incredible State of the Union Address,” Lathan said. “In calling for a renewal of bipartisanship and cooperation, our president was the picture of strength and resolve. President Trump is right. America is and will continue to be great, but we are stronger if we decide to come together and work to find solutions that better our nation. To echo President Trump’s words, we must choose greatness. In putting aside our differences, we can make the seemingly impossible, possible.”
“While huge strides were made to address our nation’s most critical issues last Congress, I applaud President Trump’s dedication to solve the challenges still facing us today,” Shelby continued. “It is imperative that we work to put our political disagreements aside in order to secure our borders with a comprehensive solution. As Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to find common ground on this critical issue.”
Congresswoman Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, also praised the president’s speech.
“In his second State of the Union address, President Trump highlighted the economic success hardworking Americans are experiencing thanks to the implementation of pro-growth policies, including the historic tax reform overhaul,” Rep. Roby said. “I was also pleased to hear more about his plan to work with Congress to reinvigorate our badly aging infrastructure, strengthen our military, bolster our national security efforts, improve care for veterans and defend the unborn.”
U.S. Representative Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, expressed his support for the Trump agenda.
“President Trump did an excellent job of explaining why we must secure America’s porous southern border,” Congressman Brooks said. “Too many Americans have lost their lives and their jobs. Too many Americans have had their wages suppressed. Too many Americans are being forced to pay higher taxes to support welfare for illegal alien families. In short, President Trump laid bare for all to see the betrayal of American families by Democrats who care more about illegal aliens than Americans.”
U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne, R-Alabama, also praised Trump’s speech in a statement.
“Tonight, President Trump’s message was clear: if we stop with the political games and focus on solutions, American Greatness knows no bounds,” Congressman Byrne said. “By supporting the President’s clear and bold agenda, the American people will be stronger, safer, and more prosperous.”
“Tonight, President Trump reaffirmed in his speech what makes our country great,” said U.S. Representative Mike Rogers, R-Saks. “His vision for America is attainable if we all work together and his eloquent call for unity will only make our nation stronger. I look forward to continuing to work with President Trump to build an even stronger economy, ensure our national security remains a top priority and secure our Southwest border with Mexico.”
“In addition, President Trump laid out his vision for our country’s future as it relates to enhancing border security and finally addressing our serious illegal immigration problem,” Roby added. “Now, with a divided Congress, I was encouraged by his remarks about the importance of bipartisanship and working together to get our job done. I am eager to continue working with the Administration and my colleagues in Congress to deliver the results that the American people and Alabama’s Second District deserve.”
“By cooperating together, we will surely preserve our country for future generations,” Palmer stated. “I was glad to hear President Trump express value for those future generations by upholding the sanctity of life tonight. Recognition of the dignity of life at all stages and protection of the right to life are inherent to our nation’s ideals. We must continue defending this most basic right if we are to flourish as a country. We also must defend our country where it is vulnerable to outside harm. For many weeks now, the need for strong border security has been apparent. Between the gang violence, human trafficking, and illegal drug trading, there is undoubtedly a crisis at the southern border. President Trump has now provided a window of opportunity for Congress to fund all of its agencies while also ensuring a secure border. In years past, there has been bipartisan support for border security that includes a physical barrier.”
“Whether the focus was on economic prosperity, free enterprise versus socialism, international relations, health care, national security, or the promise of America, President Trump hit the game-winning grand slam, shot the game-winning three point shot, and scored the game-winning touchdown,” Brooks concluded. “In sum, President Trump reminded us of how great America is and how proud we should be to be Americans.”
“We deeply appreciate President Trump’s strong determination to end late-term abortions,” Lathan added. “All children are worthy of life. It is up to us to protect their innocence. We were also reminded of President Trump’s accomplishments during the last two years. From historically low unemployment and tax rates to nearly eradicating ISIS, to rolling back burdensome federal regulations, one thing is crystal clear – our president is getting things done and improving life for Americans.”
“Most notably, President Trump again outlined a commonsense strategy to secure our border,” Byrne continued. “After decades of inaction by both parties, it is time we finally fix our broken immigration system and keep the American people safe. President Trump also outlined many issues important to Alabama. From strengthening our military to expanding rural broadband to lowering prescription drug costs, under President Trump’s agenda the people of Alabama stand to benefit and our state will become even stronger.”
“As President Trump highlighted, we must strive to reach common sense solutions to pressing policy issues in the days ahead,” Shelby added. “I plan to continue working to promote safe and legal immigration, protect American workers, rebuild our infrastructure, lower the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs, and prioritize our national security. The President’s remarks this evening were inspiring, and I look forward to implementing policies that ensure the success and prosperity of the American people. As he said tonight, victory is not winning for our party, victory is winning for our country.”
The president spoke on bipartisanship and working together; while still emphasizing his “Make America Great Again” agenda, including building a wall on the U.S. southerner border with Mexico.
“I hope my Democratic colleagues will heed President Trump’s words tonight and return to this bipartisan approach that he has encouraged,” Palmer concluded. “He summed it up well tonight when he said, ‘Together, we can break decades of political stalemate. We can bridge old divisions, heal old wounds, build new coalitions, forge new solutions and unlock the extraordinary promise of America’s future. The decision is ours to make.’”
Trump is the 45th President of the United States. He was elected in the 2016 election and is expected to pursue a second term in 2020.