Former Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley announced Tuesday that his brother, David Bentley, had died during the night.
“My wonderful brother David is home,” Bentley said in a statement on social media. “He passed away last night. I got to spend about 3 hours just talking and visiting with him on Veterans Day. He’s my hero, a WWII Veteran who served in the Third Army under General Patton.”
“He’s my mentor, David spent his whole life setting an example of serving others with love and kindness,” Gov. Bentley said. “He’s my big brother, who always looked after my sisters and me. I’m so grateful for his love for me and our family and the Lord he faithfully served. Well done, Good and Faithful Servant. Love, your baby brother Robert.”
On Nov. 11, former Gov. Bentley said on social media: “I’m grateful today for all our fellow Veterans. This morning I got to go to Auburn and visit my favorite. My big brother David turned 93 two weeks ago. Even though he’s had a few health problems lately, he’s always so full of joy.”
“David was away serving honorably under General Patton when I was born,” Bentley said. “My Mama would send him letters during the war telling him what a good baby I was. I remember hearing how David walked several miles home to our little house when the war ended, our old dog Ring recognized him right away and ran to meet him. He’s served the Lord his whole life as a beloved pastor, he’s always taken care of our family, he is my mentor and he’s lived a life showing people unconditional love. We’re the only ones still left in our family. Although we talk daily, I haven’t gotten to see David in 3 years. Today is special for all our Veterans, but it was very special for me and my big brother.”
Bentley is a Tuscaloosa area dermatologist. He was the Governor of Alabama from 2011 to his resignation in April 2017. Bentley is 75.