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Opinion | Role model statesmanship showcased in the public square

Americans got their fair share of hand to hand combat politics in the 2018 general election, which is still going on in Georgia and Florida. As we approach Thanksgiving; there is a national story buried in the heart and soul of Crenshaw County Alabama politics that needs to be shared. In a county that voted 72 percent for Trump, the centerpiece of this story lasers in on local Democrats and Republicans putting their county first, let me explain.

For decades, Crenshaw County was a Democrat stronghold in all of the county elected positions. In fact, many stated for years there is no way to get elected in Crenshaw County unless you ran as a Democrat. Over the past three quadrennial election cycles, Republicans have picked up the Probate Judge office, Sheriff, and three of the five County Board of Education seats. In this recent election, Republicans earned four out of five commission seats; here in lies the role model statesmanship showcased in the public square.

Reverend Charlie Sankey is a black Democrat Commissioner who was re-elected from the north end of the county. He is also a bi-vocational Pastor serving at Rockwest Baptist Church just inside Pike County and is a full time officer at First Citizens Bank. In this election cycle, the other four county commission seats were won by white Republican men. Sankey had served as Chairman of the County Commission for the last four years. With the Republicans clearly holding a majority of power now, the chairmanship over the next four years has certainly been a kitchen table discussion since the election.

Yesterday; all five commissioners were sworn in for their new term. The first order of business was to nominate and elect a new chairman. The county attorney statutorily opened the floor for nomination for chairman three times; and only one name surfaced; Charlie Sankey. In a unanimous vote, Charlie Sankey a black Democrat was just elected as Chairmen by his four white Republican colleagues. What a testament of bi-partisanship. There are so many takeaways from this historic move; I don’t know where to begin.

In my discussions with Sankey over the years, I have found him to be an economic, moral, social and constitutional conservative. We still have our minute differences, but he always puts the county first, makes one dollar do the work of three dollars; and if something is right he stands firm and if it is wrong, he fixes it. He has a common sense approach to governing and will not allow little, agenda driven side shows cloud the focus of what is best for the county. The county is in strong fiscal shape under his watch.

In an environment where politics are highly charged, it is refreshing to see these four Republicans demonstrate such great statesmanship and bi partisanship in this historic decision. They looked at the content of Sankey’s character, rather than the color of his skin or party affiliation. They put what was best for the county rather than nominating someone who has not yet been seasoned for the job. On the other hand, Sankey has demonstrated over the past four years to be a steady handed competent leader. After months of observing Sankey in the chair, newly elected Commissioner Raymond McGough showed great leadership; and without equivocation, nominated Charlie Sankey and got the vote through unanimously.

Most who know me understand I do not vote for Democrats and in some remote cases; I will not vote for a wayward Republican. The Republican National Committee and the Alabama Republican Party platforms espouse the core issues that drive my heart, vote and support. Setting aside my party affiliations for one moment; these four Republicans made the right decision and have my greatest and profound respect.

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While this is a win win win for the citizens of Crenshaw County, it should be a shining example from the courthouse to the Whitehouse to always do the right thing and the hell with the consequences.


John W. Giles is former President of the Christian Coalition of Alabama. He served as Small Business Advocate for the State of Alabama during Governor Guy Hunt's Administration. He was also a member of Governor Fob James Cabinet.

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