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Opinion | Trump DNA resonates

Trump’s ability to draw overflowing crowds in every stadium in the country has become the new coveted mesmerization of every public office holder. Inside the Potomac River, you can hear the sound of political algorism calculators humming and churning like a fleet of old Boroughs adding machines trying to figure out the Trump magical DNA recipe. The mercury tube in the jealousy barometer has burst attempting to measure the lust of Democrats and Republicans over one simple question: how does this guy do it? Former President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Oprah event organizers offered to pay up to $15.00 each for people to attend their 2018 Mid-Term snooze fest rallies. The recipe and secret patented Trump formulation is actually quite elementary. In this article we boil all of this down into two key principles explaining the Trump connection with the economic, social, moral and constitutional conservative base in America.

June 15, 2015, billionaire candidate Trump came down the escalator announcing his 2016 bid for President; he was a renowned successful entrepreneur, real estate magnate, business genius, gained notoriety as a reality show host and a seasoned negotiator. He had no real platform structure at that time. I can recall some of his claims if elected; it would be beautiful, something special will happen and he would “Make America Great Again.” For months, Trump was an abstract candidate with no definition, structure on issues or how he was going to MAGA. Later on down the campaign trail, I give full credit to Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway and Reince Priebus for helping Trump put meat on the bones shaping his campaign platform and charting a well-defined path to deliver on these promises. His billionaire balance sheet, funding his own campaign early on, the unique charismatic caricature, patent pending hairstyle, his gorgeous super model wife and having a well-appointed Boeing 757 bearing the Trump name gave him his star power to effectively launch. When you merge the Trump Brand with the Bannon, Conway and Priebus platform structure, he was poised to become a lethal force in the primary and general election. Actually, the Trump campaign platform is mirrored by the longstanding Republican Nation Party Platform. I have always maintained, if Republicans from the courthouse to the white house, woke up every morning and saluted the GOP Platform, governed accordingly and remained honest, ethical and humble we could keep all three branches of government for decades to come. This is a critical, but commonly overlooked component among my GOP elected friends.

Key Principle: Recipe One – Promises Made Promises Kept. Economic, social, moral and constitutional conservatives have grown accustomed to great campaign promises, but no real comprehensive delivery. The GOP Platform is not only a winning common sense platform to get elected; it is a winning platform from which to responsibly govern. Trump put a face on the GOP Platform and is delivering the remarkable results embedded in that platform. When I internally reflect on all of the issues that are important to me and my family, Trump in 21 months has a remarkable and measurable progress report of advancing these ideas into reality. For me, protecting the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, preserving traditional marriage between one man and one woman, appointing Strict Construction Constitutional Originalist to the Federal Judiciary, economic development and job creation, protecting our borders from illegal immigration, reducing personal and corporate taxes, reducing burdensome regulatory controls, maintaining world peace through military readiness and strength, positions based on facts versus emotions, entitlement reform, renegotiating all of these weak global deals and finally putting the well-being and interest of our country first; and at the same time being a responsible global partner. Simply put; Trump is delivering; this is real leadership. People like me are echoing from hamlets of every village across this great land of being ecstatic about Promises Made Promises Kept. It is very simple.

Key Principle: Recipe Two – Trump Does Not Care About Fallout. My former boss Governor Fob James was speaking at Alabama State Treasurer – Elect, John McMillan’s retirement dinner years ago from the Alabama Forestry Association. In his deliver, he mentioned he had known McMillan for decades and the one thing he appreciated was; “John McMillan will always do what is right and the hell with the consequences.” Trump does not care about the consequences when all of the facts are on deck and the decision is clear. Trump can return tomorrow to a great life in Manhattan, so losing his job over the right decision never enters his mind. This subtle, yet glaring principle is clear; do the right thing no matter what the cost.

K-Street money, powerful lobbyist and fear of the next election have been the order of the day for far too long. The Republicans lost the U.S. House of Representatives because of violating one or in some cases both of these principles. The GOP U.S. Senate had some exposure as well in this 2018 election cycle, but they did prevail. With these two principles in place, under the leadership of our fearless Commander and Chief, President Donald J. Trump, America has only just begun to reach it maximum potential on every performance indicator. I do not think we can even imagine what the portrait looks like of “Making American Great Again.” We have no limits.

The message here to every Republican officer holder is simple; live out the platform every day and don’t fear the next election. The facts are on our side in every debate. Make a note, his message is clear, positive and very specific, he is patriotic; the crowds will swell, the momentum will be unstoppable, NBC – ABC – MSNBC and CNN will crumble, the #WalkAway and Blexit will grow exponentially and we can and will restore the Greatness of America once again.

Thank you Mr. President for saving this nation; to my GOP elected friends, get rooted and grounded in economic, social, moral and constitutional conservatism, strap it on, tighten your chin strap and fearlessly run like hell to the goal post.

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John W. Giles is former President of the Christian Coalition of Alabama. He served as Small Business Advocate for the State of Alabama during Governor Guy Hunt's Administration. He was also a member of Governor Fob James Cabinet.

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