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Trump declares Major Disaster for four Alabama counties impacted by Hurricane Michael

In response to Governor Kay Ivey’s request, President Donald Trump declared that a major disaster exists in the state of Alabama, as a result of Hurricane Michael.

This declaration means that Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance Program will provide assistance to four affected counties: Geneva, Henry, Houston and Mobile Counties.

“I appreciate President Trump and FEMA for being responsive to our requests for assistance following Hurricane Michael,” Governor Ivey said. “Alabama did not take the brunt of the storm damage, but many people in our state were affected. This public assistance will be very beneficial, especially to the small communities in the Wiregrass that have worked very hard to clear the debris and get power service back up for residents.”

“This morning, President Trump approved a major disaster declaration for the State of Alabama, ordering federal assistance to supplement state & local recovery efforts in the areas affected by Hurricane Michael,” Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) said. “Thank you, Mr. President — we will rebuild together.”

Three of the four counties are in Representative Roby’s district.

U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) said on social media, “Excellent news! This morning, President Trump approved Alabama’s major disaster declaration request for the counties of Geneva, Henry, Houston, and Mobile – allowing federal assistance for local recovery efforts following storm damage from Hurricane Michael.”

“Special thanks to President Donald J. Trump for approving Alabama’s disaster declaration from Hurricane Michael,” Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said. “Our friends in the Wiregrass continue to cleanup from the powerful storm, and this step will help those recovering get the assistance they need.”

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The Administrator of FEMA, Brock Long named Gerard M. Stolar as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected areas.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance Program helps reimburse local governments, state agencies, eligible private non-profit organizations and electric co-operatives for certain expenses they have incurred during Hurricane Michael.

Under the Public Assistance Program, state and affected local governments are eligible to apply for federal funding to pay 75 percent of the approved costs under certain categories such as debris removal and road repair related to the storm. FEMA previously approved reimbursement to state and local governments for costs associated with emergency protective measures taken during Hurricane Nate.

“We are so appreciative of the support we have received from FEMA, our Congressional Delegation and the President for the Governor’s request,” said Alabama EMA Director Brian Hastings. “The Major Disaster Declaration is a huge step in the recovery process and represents the continuation of our strong partnership with FEMA and local governments to connect eligible applicants with Federal assistance to continue on their path to a better tomorrow.”

Representatives from the Alabama Emergency Management Agency Recovery Division will explain procedures for requesting assistance at a series of applicant briefings at locations to be announced shortly in the affected areas.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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