Tuesday, October 23 over 700 people attended the Republican rally and barbecue dinner in Huntsville. Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville), Attorney General Steve Marshall, Lieutenant Governor candidate state Representative Will Ainsworth (R-Guntersville), Chief Justice candidate Tom Parker, Secretary of State John Merrill, and Public Service Commissioner Jeremy Oden all addressed the overflow crowd.
“You are now witnessing one of the strongest economies that we have seen not only in America, but also in the Tennessee Valley,” Congressman Mo Brooks said. “Toyota Mazda will generate 10,000 jobs inside our facility and another 10,000 jobs in tier one and tier two suppliers.”
“How many of you remember the economic malaise of Jimmy Carter?” Brooks said. “The Democratic Party is now the Socialist Party of America. 56 percent of Democrats say that they prefer socialism over capitalism. If you know anything about history, you know that socialism never works anywhere that it is tried. They had their chance and the result was 8 years of economic anemia. Yes, we had 1 percent and 2 percent growth, but that is not enough to raise the living standards of American families. We have had a 3 percent increase in income in the last year. If we can continue that over time we can improve the lives of the American people substantially.”
Brooks said that when he first went to Congress he gave speech in which he spoke on, “how many socialists there are in Washington DC and there was an uproar so much so that they moved to strike my remarks from the record. Now with Bernie Sanders they are proudly declaring themselves to be socialists.”
Lt. Gov. candidate Will Ainsworth condemned Walt Maddox’s vicious attacks on Governor Kay Ivey and warned that there would be even more negative attacks on Ivey and Attorney General Steve Marshall between now and the election.
“They have moved so far left that our school children are actually having serious discussions on capitalism versus socialism,” Ainsworth said. “Doug Jones, what an embarrassment!”
Ainsworth urged everyone to vote straight ticket Republican on election day.
AG Steve Marshall thanked the Republicans for giving him the greatest honor of his life by nominating him for AG.
“I have been a prosecutor for 20 years,” Marshall said that under Republican leadership. “We have the lowest unemployment in Alabama history.”
Marshall said that we have reduced the number of opioid prescriptions while he has been AG and has worked to confront violent crime.
“George Soros thinks he cam put $200,000 into this state and change it,” Marshall said.
“Last Friday the Alabama Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for Jesse Livell,” Marsball said. Livell killed his wife and their unborn child. Judge Parker wrote a concurrent opinion upholding that verdict.
Marshall slammed his opponent, Joseph Siegelman (D), who is running an ad campaign claiming to be bringing government back home to the people. Marshall dismissed Siegelman and his people as liberals.
“His people voted for Hillary Clinton, his people want Chuck Schumer in charge of the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi to run the House of Representatives,” Marshall stated.
“We will continue to stand with the City of Pensacola and a cross that has stood for 49 years,” Marshall said,
Rep. Brooks said, “Justice Parker understand that in a Republic it is the elected representatives who make laws and no the judiciary. He is not the kind o judge who sees himself as a super king.”
Tom Parker said, “I am running for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.” That with the confirmations of Brett Kavanaugh we have a conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court for the first time in decades. To be effective they need rulings from state courts for them to act on and give conservative rulings. This is why the left is spending so much money in state judicial races.
“They want judges who refuse to prosecute crime on laws they disagree with,” Parker said. “The presumption of innocence until proven guilty is at stake. These guys have condoned violence. They are practicing anarchy. They are saying that a justice who rules on the Constitution as it is written is an activist. Our founding fathers gave us a system of government that is designed to make America great.”
“Soros is pouring in money, Planned Parenthood is pouring in money because they are afraid,” Parker said. “I have been attacked personally by George Soros. I have been attacked by the Southern Poverty Law Center.”
“We are supposed to stand for truth and the American way,” Parker said. “Unfortunately, if you do it in this environment you will be attacked,”
“We want the restoration of the United States of America,” Justice
Parker stated. “Please vote Republican on November Sixth.”
Secretary of State John Merrill said that as Secretary of State he has registered over one million people to vote and, “We removed over 650,000 people from the rolls because they have moved away, they have passed away, or they have been put away.”
Merrill said that he has downsized the office from 49 employees down to 38 employees; but “for 121 consecutive weeks we have been same day on business filings and have saved you over $2 million. We asked to be zeroed out of the general fund because we no longer work at the speed of government but at the speed of business.”
“We need to join together, and we need to be fully committed,” Sec. Merrill said. “I need your vote on November Sixth.”
Public Service Commissioner Jeremy Oden said, “It is good to be a Republican. You have got the best candidates ever on our side in this election.”
“You mark that Republican and you take care of your state candidates, your congressional candidates, and your local candidates.”
Oden said that the old Democratic Party is gone and has been taken over now by socialists and communists. “They are marching on the border as we stand here today.”
Brooks said, “If we lose this election socialism will again take hold and we will see another anemic American economy.”
“The other side is just wrong,” Brooks stated. “They are wrong for the City of Huntsville, they are wrong for Madison County, they are wrong for the state of Alabama, they are wrong for the United States of America.”
“They don’t care about borders,” Brooks added. “They don’t care about the Americans who are killed by illegal aliens, they don’t care about the thousands of Americans who are killed by the poisons given to them by MS13 and other criminal gangs and cartels. They care more about importing a huge block of voters who they can put on welfare in perpetuity.”
“They are pushing to let non-citizens vote in our elections,” Brooks said. They are registering noncitizens to vote in municipal elections in Democrat controlled cities like San Francisco.
Brooks said that Democrats want non-citizens to vote, “Because they don’t trust Americans. They want to change our voter pool by allowing noncitizens to vote in our elections.”
Brooks thanked Steve Marshall for suing to prevent illegal immigrants from being counted in reapportionment and warned that Alabama is about to lose a congressional seat and an electoral college vote if the number of illegals is used in reapportionment. A recent study said that there are 20 million people here illegally.
“We are rewarding the lawlessness of sanctuary cities,” Brooks said. By taking those congressmen from those states that attempt to follow the law and giving them to places that refuse to follow the law. “I want to personally thank Steve Marshall our Attorney General for fighting that in federal court.”
“Our internal polling show that we are going to keep the Senate and pick up one to Senate seats,” Brooks said. “Polling on the House side is more of a tossup as to whether we can keep control of the House.”
Brooks said that Maxine Waters on TV said that if they take control of Congress they are going to impeach and remove Mike Pence at the same time that they impeach and remove President Trump. Who would be President then? Nancy Pelosi! That is a coup d’etat. “Maxine Waters is in line to be Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee if Democrats take over the House.”
Brooks said that two Democrats “have put in $200 million to help the Democrats take control of the Senate and the House of Representatives and that does not even include George Soros.”
The Chairman of the Madison County Republican Party Chairman is Sam Givhan. Givhan is also the GOP nominee for State Senate representing Madison County in the Alabama legislature.
Chairman Givhan said of the massive crowd, “This is our best turnout yet.”
The general election will be Tuesday, November 6.