Tuesday, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) cosponsored two bills that promote border security by funding the U.S.-Mexico border wall, H.R. 7059, the Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018, and H.R. 7073, the 50 Votes for the Wall Act. Brooks said that Democrats in Congress, “Betray America by failing to secure the border.”
“Congress, generally, and open border Democrat Congressmen and Senators, in particular, betray America by failing to secure our border,” Rep. Brooks said in a statement. “In 2016, Sixty-three million Americans voted to secure America’s borders. The concept and reasoning is simple. A country that cannot defend its borders is no country at all. Americans do not want their future degraded to that of a two-bit, third-world nation. Yet, that is where we are headed if we do not act soon to enforce America’s already very generous immigration laws.”
“Consistent with my loyalty to America, I’ve cosponsored Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018 and Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne’s 50 Votes for the Wall Act,” Brooks added. “Both enhance America’s national security by protecting America’s borders.”
“The Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018 provides full border wall funding, supports federal immigration enforcement officers, defunds sanctuary cities, stiffens sentences for criminal illegal aliens who reenter the country, and expedites deportation of dangerous illegal alien criminals,” Brooks continued. “The 50 Votes for the Wall Act neuters open borders Democrat Senator obstructionism by allowing a majority vote to pass legislation (rather than the 60 vote passage threshold normally required). Let me be very candid, illegal aliens are a plague on America. Illegal aliens take American jobs and suppress American wages. Too often, illegal aliens live off welfare and taxes paid by American families and commit crimes that hurt or kill Americans. Far too often, illegal aliens vote in American elections, each time cancelling the lawful vote of an American citizen. Each illegal alien vote is a direct threat to our Republic’s democratic process. With a caravan of thousands brazenly hell bent on illegally crossing our border and assaulting our national sovereignty, now more than ever is the time to secure our border. Congress must act. Failing that, President Trump must fulfill his commander-in-chief duties and employ America’s military to protect American lives, America’s sovereignty, and America’s southern border.”
Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018 includes: $23.4 billion in appropriations for Trump’s Border Wall, with $5.5 billion provided in FY19 and the remainder spread through FY20-25; the recent House passed resolution in support of ICE (H.Res. 990); cuts off funding for certain grants to states and localities that fail to comply with detainer requests from ICE; raising the maximum sentence for criminal alien reentry from 10 years to 25 years in federal prison; and H.R. 3697, the Criminal Alien gang Member Removal Act, which expedites detention and removal proceedings for those illegal aliens found to be participating in gang activity.
The 50 Votes for the Wall Act includes $25 billion in appropriations for Trump’s Border Wall and uses the budget reconciliation process to pass the bill in the Senate with 50 votes.
Congressman Brooks has sponsored the House companion legislation (H.R. 2186) to Senator Ted Cruz’s EL CHAPO Act, which would fund the border wall using assets forfeited to the United States Government as a result of the criminal prosecution of El Chapo, the former leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel, as well as other drug lords.
Congressman Brooks has been very outspoken about the need to control immigration and dramatically improve border security.
Brooks is seeking his fifth term representing the Fifth Congressional District.
Brooks faces Democrat Peter Joffrion in the November 6 general election.