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Tom Parker blasts ACLU for ad campaign targeting Kavanaugh

Facade of US Supreme court in Washington DC on sunny day

Saturday, Justice Tom Parker (R) released a statement blasting the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for their TV ad campaign comparing Judge Kavanaugh with indicted sex offender Harvey Weinstein and convicted sex offender Bill Cosby.

“It’s an understatement to say I’ve had disagreements with the ACLU over the years, but this is a new low for this organization,” Justice Parker said. “Judge Kavanaugh is a distinguished conservative jurist who has undergone a vile and disgusting smear campaign based on allegations for which there is not only zero corroboration, but which the alleged witnesses said never happened.”

“The ACLU has always been an anti-Christian organization committed to eradicating faith from the public square,” Parker said. “I disagree with that but always felt they stood up for what they believed, although misguided. But today this group is nothing more than an attack dog for leftist billionaires – and is nothing more than a clone of the extremist Southern Poverty Law Center.”

“The ACLU has prided itself in the past for defending civil liberties,” Parker added. “But now they are joining the radical ‘progressive’ gang in throwing out the cornerstone of our civil liberties – the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, I do not share many views with Judge Bob Vance, the Democrat in this race, but I hope he will at least join me in condemning the ACLU attacks against Judge Kavanaugh and in condemning the mob rule those in his party have endorsed, enabled and encouraged.”

The ACLU has been widely criticized for its $million ad campaign to try to influence the confirmation process on Kavanaugh.

Former ACLU board members, Wendy Kaminer and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz wrote in an op-ed:

“The ACLU was once a nonpartisan organization focused on liberty and equality before the law. In recent years it has chosen its battles with an increasingly left-wing sensibility,” they wrote. “In doing so, it has become considerably more equivocal and sometimes even hostile toward core civil liberties concerns of free speech and due process.”

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Former ACLU Vice President Michael Meyers told Fox News, “I was proudest of the ACLU when the ACLU resisted fascism, when they stood up to the mob. Now they have become the mob. It has become what they are not supposed to be. You are supposed to stand up to the mob, you are supposed to stand for freedom and individual liberty, supposed to stand for the presumption of innocence and it doesn’t make assumptions.”

Despite the ACLU’s efforts, the Senate confirmed Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on a 50 to 48 vote.

Justice Tom Parker has served as an Associate Justice on the Alabama Supreme Court since 2005. Parker has a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth and his law degree from Vanderbilt University Law School. Parker has worked as an Assistant Alabama Attorney General, as deputy director of the Alabama Court System, and in private practice before running for the Alabama Supreme Court in 2004. Parker was a Ted Cruz delegate to the 2016 Republican Convention.

Parker is running for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. Parker defeated appointed Chief Justice Lyn Stuart in the Republican primary.

Parker faces Jefferson County Circuit Judge Robert S. Vance Jr. in the November 6 general election. Vance’s father, Robert Vance Sr. was Chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party from 1967 to 1976. Vance Sr. was a federal appeals court judge who was assassinated in his Mountain Brook home by means of a package bomb in 1989.

Original reporting by Fox News contributed to this report.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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