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Alabama Republicans react to Kavanaugh confirmation

Saturday, Alabama Republicans celebrated the confirmation of Brett M. Kavanaugh by a 50 to 48 vote.

Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan said, “The Alabama Republican Party congratulates Judge Brett Kavanaugh on his confirmation. Judge Kavanaugh has our full support as he begins his honorable journey serving the American people on our nation’s highest court.”

“In celebrating this confirmation, we thank Senator Shelby and his Republican colleagues for their yes votes,” Lathan continued. “Unlike Senator Jones, Senator Shelby exemplified what it means to be a true public servant by representing the majority of Alabamians when he cast his final vote. Without meeting with Judge Kavanaugh, Doug Jones even went so far as to insinuate his opinion mattered more than those of the people he was elected to serve. During a Friday morning CNN interview, Senator Jones said while it may be true that Alabama is for Judge Kavanaugh, it’s not the ‘be all to end all.’ His arrogance is reprehensible as he has now officially told our citizens he knows best. It is clear that Senator Doug Jones’ allegiance lies not to his Alabama constituents, but strongly to the Democrat Party. Voters will remember this when they head to the polls in 2020.”

Trump Alabama Victory Chairman Perry O Hooper Jr. said, “In bowing to his Democrat overlords, Senator Doug Jones has betrayed the citizens of Alabama who overwhelmingly support President Donald Trump and his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. In siding with the most liberal politicians in the country like Diane Fienstien, Cory Booker and Nancy Pelosi, Doug Jones has shown where his true beliefs are; not with the good people of Alabama who overwhelming support Brett Kavanaugh and President Donald Trump but with the socialist liberals who control the Democrat Party.”

“Our nation is better off with Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, and I am glad the circus is over,” Congressman Bradley Byrne, R-Montrose, said. “I applaud the senators who supported Judge Kavanaugh, including Alabama Senator Richard Shelby. This process and the shameful tactics used have been an embarrassment to our nation, but I hope we can now move forward as a country and not return to these pathetic political games again.”

“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a conservative, experienced jurist who I believe will be a strict constitutionalist on the Supreme Court,” Congresswoman Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, said. “I am pleased that the United States Senate voted to confirm him, and I am confident he will serve the Court and the American people admirably.”

“For now, we can thank President Trump and our GOP team by voting Republican this November,” Byrne concluded.

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“It is an absolute shame Senator Doug Jones chose to vote no and deny the pleas and calls of his constituents who clearly want to see Judge Kavanaugh confirmed,” Lathan concluded. “In 2020 the voters will hold Senator Jones responsible for continually ignoring the will of Alabamians and instead choosing to follow the bidding of Democrat leadership.”

The general election will be November 6.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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