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Ivey campaign promotes School Safety Initiative in new TV ad

In the modern America that we live in, the greatest fear of every parent is that some hate-filled outcast will walk into their child’s school with guns blazing.

Wednesday, Kay Ivey’s campaign highlighted Kay’s school safety initiative to counter that threat in a new statewide TV ad. In the ad, Alabama educator and mom Cindy Wigley praises Governor Kay Ivey’s efforts to prepare students for the workforce and keep Alabama’s children safe.

In the ad, Cindy shares her first-hand experience dropping her children off at school for the first time, saying, “The parent’s number one concern is what are we doing to make our schools safer.”

Cindy said that as a former teacher, Kay Ivey understands that education is the cornerstone of a better life, and that’s why as Governor, Kay Ivey has been a strong advocate for children and teachers.

Most recently, Governor Ivey introduced the “Smart on Safety Initiative,” a four-part plan to keep Alabama’s schools safe.

“I think Governor Ivey’s program is exactly what we need,” said Cindy. “It provides us with another added layer of safety, another added layer of prevention. As a mom and an educator, I am proud to support Kay Ivey.”

Governor Ivey’s Sentry Program provides for an additional security measure in schools that do not have a School Resource Officer (SRO).

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The Alabama Sentry Program is a voluntary program which permits administrators in schools, without an SRO, to maintain a firearm on campus in a secured safe in order to be prepared to respond to an active shooter situation. The Sentry Program requires that the administrator successfully complete training created and certified by the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA). Unlike teachers, school administrators have complete access to their schools and are responsible for the safety of all students at the school, not an individual classroom.

“The Governor’s SAFE Council recommended adding more School Resource Officers throughout our state, a solution that I support, and will work with the legislature to implement,” Gov. Ivey said. “However, until we have a concrete plan to increase the number of SROs, we must provide a way for schools to protect their students in the upcoming school year. I have created the Alabama Sentry Program to provide additional security measures for our children, and to utilize the current summer break to train those who volunteer to be a sentry. The Alabama Sentry plan is a reasonable and measured approach to provide an additional tool for schools without a resource officer. With the unfortunate continued occurrence of school violence across our country, we cannot afford to wait until the next legislative session.”

“I believe this is a common-sense approach to increasing security in our schools. The SAFE Council worked hard with officials from around the state to create a list of recommendations. I applaud Governor Ivey and members of the SAFE Council for creating this program,” Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Secretary Hal Taylor said. “School security is one of the highest priorities for law enforcement and this program will help first responders identify and stop threats quicker and before they happen.”

Governor Ivey is running for her own term as Governor in the November 6 general election. The Democratic nominee is Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter “Walt” Maddox (D).

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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