Monday, Governor Kay Ivey (R) announced new details about the Governor’s App Challenge.
The Governor’s App Challenge is a statewide, computer programming competition for Alabama students in grades K–12. Gov. Ivey launched the App Challenge in March at the inaugural Alabama Computer Science Summit, with the goal of giving more students the opportunity to gain recognition for their mastery and application of computer programming and design.
“Since establishing my Advisory Council for Computer Science Education last year, we have been hard at work to make my vision of giving every Alabama student a 21st Century education into a reality,” Gov. Ivey said. “I’m encouraging students to become a part of this emerging technology economy and participate in the Governor’s App Challenge,” Governor Ivey said. “This contest allows students from every corner of the state to get creative and build their own app while putting into practice computer science principles they are learning in the classroom.”
Students who participate will create an application in a language of their choosing, respond in writing to specific prompts about the application and submit a video of their application running. Student submissions will be judged in one of three grade bands: Elementary (K to 5), Middle SchooFinal (6 to 8) and High School (9 to 12).
Apps will be judged at various levels, with only the winning entry in each grade band advancing to the next level. The first level of competition will be at the individual school. The winner(s) from each school will advance to the Local Education Agency (LEA) level. The winner(s) from the LEA level will advance to the State Board of Education district level and the winners from each of the State School Board districts will enter the state championship.
Finally, the State School Board district winners will compete at the Alabama Computer Science Summit in April 2019, with all of the winners announced at the conclusion of the summit.
Participants must register by November 1, 2018.
More information about the Governor’s App Challenge can be found at:
In 2016, only 86 schools in Alabama offered a high-quality computer science course. Today, more than 175 Alabama high schools offer computer science classes. Governor Ivey is optimistic about this progress but plans to continue working toward her goal of ensuring that computer science course is offered at every Alabama middle and high school by 2022, through her Strong Start, Strong Finish education initiative.
Ivey has actually worked as a classroom teacher.
Gov. Ivey is seeking her own term as Governor. She faces Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter “Walt” Maddox (D) in the November 6 general election.