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Brooks hosts congressmen, sheriffs appealing for stronger border security

Congressman Mo Brooks

Wednesday, Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, supported by fellow Congressmen and backed by 50 sheriffs from across America, led a news conference on the U.S. Capitol grounds urging Congress to enact stronger immigration and border security legislation.

“How many hundreds, or thousands, or tens of thousands, of dead Americans must there be before Washington does what is needed to be done to protect American lives from illegal aliens?” Rep. Brooks asked. “We have loss of lives from homicides, murders, we have loss of life from vehicular homicides at the hands of illegal aliens, perhaps worse, we have the poisons, the drugs, that are being imported across our southern border because we have a porous southern border that is costing countless American lives in drug overdoses and deaths related to the drug trade. How many American lives must be lost before American voters and American politicians will wake up to the necessity of protecting Americans from the death that has ensued because we do not protect our southern border?”

“Today is a point of emphasis, that we must – it’s our duty – we must protect the lives of Americans, and we can do that by building a border wall,” Brooks said. “We can do that by supporting our ICE agents, by protecting our border patrol. We can do that on the interior by putting in place e-verification biometrics systems that ensure American jobs are for American workers, and lawful immigrants, and not illegal aliens.”

“We have got a President of the United States, President Trump, who understands the security risks, the loss of life that is being taken because we can not coalesce as politicians in Washington D.C. behind protections of our southern borders because of so many extraneous factors that cause so many Democrats in particular, and some Republicans, to go astray.” Rep. Brooks said.

“We need to do what we can do, but in order to do that we must have the American voters understand who truly is for border security and who is for open borders, who is for amnesty, who is for undermining the wages and the jobs of American citizens and that is what this is about today,” Brooks said in conclusion. “To emphasize not only the dangers associated with the open borders position that has been taken by so many politicians in Washington D.C. but to also emphasize the loss of life that can so easily be avoided if we would just have the kind of border security that is so commonly taken for granted in so many countries across the world.”

The event in front of the capital steps was organized by the Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Throughout his four terms in Congress, Mo Brooks has been an outspoken supporter of increasing border security, including building President Trump’s controversial multi-billion dollar border wall. Brooks is a founding member of the conservative Freedom Caucus.

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Mo Brooks is seeking a fifth term in the Congress. He faces retired Huntsville city attorney Peter Joffrion (D) in the November 6 general election.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.


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