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Brooks responds to negative attacks by opponent

Congressman Mo Brooks

Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, responded to negative ads by his Democratic general election opponent Peter Joffrion. Brooks said that Joffrion was too liberal for North Alabama.

“Socialist Peter Joffrion’s struggling campaign has launched yet another false, negative attack, on Congressman Mo Brooks,” Brooks wrote. “First, Socialist Joffrion unethically paid an AL.COM guest editorial writer $2,000 to draft and publish admittedly false attack editorials against Congressman Brooks. Second, Socialist Joffrion, without a shred of supporting evidence, publicly defamed Congressman Brooks by preposterously asserting that Congressman Brooks participated in a criminal scheme that Congressman Brooks had absolutely nothing to do with.”

“Now, Socialist Peter Joffrion confirms that he is not only economically and ethically challenged, he is also geographically challenged,” Brooks stated. “Socialist Joffrion falsely claims that Congressman Brooks, over the past decade, “has taken $1.4 million from DC insider PACs.” Socialist Joffrion needs to look at a map. The Tennessee Valley is not Washington, D.C.”

Rep. Brooks continued, “For the record, the following Tennessee Valley major job creators have all been major contributors to Congressman Mo Brooks’ election efforts: Aerojet Rocketdyne, Alabama Farmer’s Federation, BASF, Boeing, Calpine, Camber Corp., DynCorp International, General Atomics, General Dynamics, Harris Corporation, Dynetics, Hexcel (formerly Intergraph), Honeywell, Jacobs Engineering, Lockheed Martin, L3, Navistar, Northrup Grumman, Nucor Steel, Orbital, Parsons Corp., Polaris, Radiance Technologies, Raytheon, RockTenn, SAIC, Sierra Nevada, Torch Technologies, Toyota, United Technologies, Wyle, 3M, and many others.”

“Congressman Brooks serves on the House Armed Services Committee and is a strong supporter of national defense,” Brooks said. “Socialist Peter Joffrion recently complained that he opposed increased defense spending because it was supported by President Trump! It is no coincidence that, given a choice between Mo Brooks, a candidate with a strong record supporting America’s national security, and Socialist Peter Joffrion, a candidate whose defense positions remind historians of Neville Chamberlain, the Tennessee Valley’s space and defense job providers strongly support Congressman Mo Brooks for re-election by contributing to his campaigns.”

Rep. Brooks added, “Other major national interest groups also are major supporters of Congressman Mo Brooks: National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America (Mo Brooks supports the 2nd Amendment; Socialist Joffrion wants to undermine the 2nd Amendment and ban and seize the vast majority of guns lawfully owned by Americans); National Federation of Independent Business (Mo Brooks supports free enterprise and capitalism; Peter Joffrion supports evil and failed socialism); numerous physician groups (Mo Brooks opposes Government-Run Health Care; Socialist Joffrion supports Government-Run Health Care); and many others.”

“In sum, Socialist Peter Joffrion’s latest negative attack is nothing more than yet another deceptive effort to divert public attention from the real issues: America’s booming economy, border security (Brooks supports, Joffrion opposes), tax cuts (Brooks supports, Joffrion opposes), Socialism versus Free Enterprise, and Joffrion’s support for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (or someone even more radical), with a resulting two years of impeachment hearings and gridlock,” Brooks concluded. “Socialist Peter Joffrion is too liberal, too socialist and too extreme for the Tennessee Valley. But Socialist Joffrion is just right for the extreme elements of California, Boston, and liberal trial lawyers, which is why Socialist Joffrion receives so much support and money from them.”

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Mo Brooks is seeking his sixth term representing the Fifth Congressional District.

Brooks will face former Huntsville City Attorney Peter Joffrion in the general election on November 6, 2018.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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