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More problems for Alabama Democratic Party, chairman Worley

Nancy Worley

Now the Democratic National Committee is involved in the Alabama Democratic Party’s problems.

Ralph Young, an elected member of the Jefferson County Democratic Club, filed a complaint last week with the national party, alleging that Nancy Worley violated a number of national party bylaws in her quest to be re-elected as party chair.

Worley won a contentious election over Montgomery attorney Peck Fox — a win that was aided by minority chair Joe Reed’s hand-picked 35 delegates.

In his complaint, which the DNC must review and Worley must respond to, Young alleged that Worley failed to file proper notice of the Aug. 11 meeting and also that the state party only considers African American members as minorities — a distinction that fails to recognize the national party’s gender and racial inclusivity bylaws.

Worley told the Montgomery Advertiser that Young is a “habitual complainer” and said she was confident that state party rules have been followed.

But following state party bylaws, instead of adhering to the DNC’s bylaws, is exactly the problem, according to Young.

“Alabama’s Democratic Party has fallen behind and isn’t in step with the DNC,” said  Young. “Alabama Democrats still defines minority singularly, as African-American, while the DNC recognizes a full rainbow of diversity.”

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The DNC is not likely to take up Young’s complaint until its winter meetings, which are scheduled for March.


Josh Moon is an investigative reporter and featured columnist at the Alabama Political Reporter with years of political reporting experience in Alabama. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.

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