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Alabama Dem Party head Worley being sued

Nancy Worley

The Alabama Democratic Party’s problems are headed for a courtroom soon.

Beleaguered party chairman Nancy Worley was sued last week by the chairperson of a county Democratic Executive Committee after Worley allegedly tried to reorganize the county committee and remove the chairperson, Susan Cobb.

Cobb, who heads up the Marion County committee, claims in her lawsuit that Worley told her that Cobb’s name was removed from the party’s website because she failed to certify Marion County election results in the June primary races.

Cobb’s suit hints that the real reason behind the move is retaliation by Worley for Cobb’s “vigorous” efforts against Worley’s re-election campaign as party chair.

“Cobb vigorously opposed Worley’s re-election, and instead backed Worley’s challenger,” the lawsuit reads. “In the week following the election, Cobb’s name was removed from the Alabama Democratic Party website as chairperson of the Marion County Democratic Executive Committee.”

Cobb’s lawsuit states that the Democratic Party’s bylaws do not allow for the party chairperson to remove a county chair, and it asks a Marion County Circuit Court to stop Worley.

Worley has not yet responded to the lawsuit.

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The lawsuit also claims that Worley is planning to hold new elections for the Marion County Executive Committee — an act it claims Worley is not authorized to do.


Josh Moon is an investigative reporter and featured columnist at the Alabama Political Reporter with years of political reporting experience in Alabama. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.

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