On Friday, August 24 at 7:00 p.m. the Alabama Republican Party will host a dinner for 600 Republicans from around the state at the Bryant Conference Center on the campus of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens will be the keynote speakers.
Attendees will include federal, state and county elected officials. ALGOP candidates for the 2018 Alabama general election will also be present. This is the first time in 25 years the ALGOP has held a statewide dinner and meeting in Tuscaloosa.
The keynote speakers are Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to identifying, organizing and empowering young people to promote the principles of free market and limited government. Charlie Kirk is the Founder and President of TPUSA. Candace Owens is the Communications Director for the organization. Charlie and Candace both regularly appear on Fox News and often meet with President Trump. TPUSA has trained thousands of young conservatives in the fight against big government and liberal policies.
Kirk recently said, “America needs to reform entitlements, cut government spending, and shrink government if we want to save America for future generations.”
On Saturday, the Alabama Republican Party State Executive Committee will hold their biannual meeting at 10:00 a.m. in the Bryant Conference Center and is open to the public.
The Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party is Terry Lathan.
“We are ready to come together as one team as we work to defeat the Democrats this November,” Lathan said. “A vote for an Alabama Republican is a vote for: historic tax cuts, a robust economy, national and border security, strong pro-life legislation and slashed government regulations. Our party united two years ago to elect President Donald Trump. Since then, we have confirmed one U.S. Supreme Court Justice and are actively working to confirm another. We would not have this chance with a Democrat in the White House.”
Lathan continued, “As a reminder, every Alabama Democrat signed on to support their party’s liberal progressive platform when they qualified for office with this pledge: ‘I hereby certify that I am a Democrat and that I subscribe to the Principles of the Democratic Party of Alabama.’ We will remind the voters of that blue pledge in red Alabama.”
“We will not stand idly by and let the Democrat Party try to further divide our state and nation to implement policies that fail our citizens.” Lathan wrote in her statement. “The 2016 election changed the path of our nation for the better. If Alabama Republicans stand together again to support our team, we will repeat that success this November. We will continue to keep America great while we protect our sweet home, Alabama.”
For live updates during the luncheon and meeting follow ALGOP on Twitter at @ALGOP with the hashtag #ALGOPatUA
The Bryant Conference Center is at 240 Paul W Bryant Drive in Tuscaloosa.
The dinner is at 7:00 pm on Friday and is sold out.