Monday the U.S. Senate’s passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by a vote of 85 to 10. U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Alabama) praised the Senate for voting to pass the NDAA.
“It is vital to our national security that the United States military is highly trained, well-equipped, and properly funded to protect our nation both at home and abroad,” said Senator Shelby. “The Senate’s passage of the National Defense Authorization Act is a critical step in providing our military with the resources they need to best defend America. I support this measure and look forward to securing our military’s funding as chairman of the Appropriations Committee and its subcommittee on defense.”
“I was proud to support year’s defense authorization legislation named in honor of my friend, Senator John McCain,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) said. “I take seriously Congress’ solemn responsibility to provide our nation’s servicemembers with the training, weaponry and capabilities they need to protect our country, and this legislation authorizes these resources.”
The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (NDAA), named in honor of Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Arizona), would support $716 billion in funding for national defense for fiscal year 2019.
“I am proud that the Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass the National Defense Authorization Act and I’m deeply humbled that my colleagues saw fit to do me the undeserved honor of designating it in my name,” said Chairman McCain. “This legislation continues our reform agenda and helps better position the Department of Defense and the joint force to implement the National Defense Strategy by continuing to restore readiness, rebuild capacity, and modernize capabilities.”
Chairman McCain is away from the Senate receiving treatment for brain cancer.
“I am grateful to Senator Jim Inhofe for shepherding this important legislation in my absence and to Senator Jack Reed for the spirit of partnership he always brings to this endeavor,” McCain said. “Their bipartisan collaboration represents the best of the Congress and has become a hallmark of the NDAA. While I wish the Senate had been able to come to an agreement to debate and vote on more amendments, I am glad the legislation proceeded under regular order and that Senators Inhofe and Reed were able to work with leadership to incorporate 45 amendments from colleagues on both sides of the aisle. And I’m proud that the Senate Armed Services Committee did its work by considering and adopting over 300 bipartisan amendments during the committee markup.”
“Serving in the U.S. Senate is one of the great honors of my life, especially having a hand in 32 consecutive NDAAs,” McCain added. “In my time as a member and now chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I have found high purpose in the service of a cause greater than self—the cause of the women and men in uniform who defend America and all she stands for.”
Shelby’s office said that the NDAA gives our troops a 2.6 percent raise, which is the largest pay increase for our service members in almost a decade. This bill also aims to align policies and resources to assist in implementing this administration’s National Defense Strategy.
The NDAA now goes to conference committee with the House which passed an earlier version of the bill on May 24.
Senator Shelby is the Chairman of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee.