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Opinion | There is no apology for Jeff Sessions

I will not apologize for Jeff Sessions.

I have written long and deeply sincere apologies for other political monsters that Alabama has thrust upon the country. I apologized for Roy Moore. I apologized for Robert Bentley.

But I will not apologize for Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

Because you people knew what he was, and you still opened a pathway for this little weasel to scurry past and into the U.S. Attorney General’s office. For 20 years, Sessions served as a U.S. Senator, and for all of those 20 years he never tried very hard to conceal the fact that he was narrow-minded racist.

So, you knew. And still, there he sits, the top “justice” official in all of the country.

You could have taken almost anyone from Alabama and, racist as most of our people are, the country would have been better off. Richard Shelby would have been better. At least he’s a decent human at his core.

Jeff Sessions on the other hand … well, I’ll put it to you like an old Alabama political kingmaker once described Sessions: “The (SOB) probably pulls the wings off flies for fun — because they’re black.”

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He is, at his core, the worst of Alabama.

He has the aw-shucks, down-home, good-ol-feller veneer — that entertains the white politicos in the hallways of the Capitol — and a rotten-to-the-core inside that cannot be moved to empathize with any minority.

And none of this, given his history and his failed confirmation hearing in 1986, should have surprised any one of you.

Just as his actions this week have not surprised me, as detestable as they are.

That Jefferson Beauregard would, in the span of a couple of days, take the position that the DOJ is no longer going to enforce the provision of Obamacare that requires pre-existing condition coverage and also remove domestic violence and gang violence from the list of qualifiers for U.S. asylum should not shock a soul.

Because the former is a big middle finger to the black president and the latter was yet another opportunity for Sessions to defend the white people of America against the encroaching minorities.

By now, I’m unsure what allies this man could have left, aside from those wearing hoods and burning crosses. But even they, given that most diehard racists are dumb as rocks and all but unemployable, had to feel a sting when Sessions cut into their health insurance.

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The rest of us surely have long since abandoned this man. With the scene at the border, where scared 18-month-old children are being ripped away from parents who have fled here seeking refuge from indescribable violence, surely the good and decent people have no use for him.

And now, to learn that Sessions personally intervened in a case to ensure that a woman would be returned to the husband who savagely beat her — that others who have fled certain death at the hands of violent gangs would be sent back to their killers — it is detestable.

It is anti-American.

It is anti-human.

But it is 100 percent Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

After all, this is the same man who shut down DOJ investigations of civil rights abuses in American police departments, because … those investigations just kept turning up civil rights abuses. And, well, hell, why bother a cop for the petty crime of harassing or killing a black guy?

This is the person Jeff Sessions has always been. From his days making KKK jokes as an assistant U.S. attorney to the time he defended Alabama’s racist school funding structure to his numerous attempts to block immigration reform while in the Senate.

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I’ve been telling you who he is for a long, long time.

You should have listened.


Josh Moon is an investigative reporter and featured columnist at the Alabama Political Reporter with years of political reporting experience in Alabama. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.

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