Alabama voters went to the polls on Tuesday to select their party’s candidates for the fall general election ballot.
Over 67 percent of Alabamians who voted, voted in the Republican Primary, a fact that was noticed by the Kay Ivey campaign.
“For months, Democrats in Washington have attempted to push the narrative that the momentum and enthusiasm are on their side, but the numbers don’t add up. This so called ‘blue wave’ is a joke,” said Ivey Communication Director Debbee Hancock. “As our opponent said, let’s look to ‘results over rhetoric’ for answers: more people voted for Governor Ivey than all of the Democratic Gubernatorial candidates combined.”
Democratic primary winner Walter “Walt” Maddox Jr. got 154,558 votes. Ivey got 325,201. Just about every Republican who won their statewide race had more votes than Maddox. The losing GOP candidate for Public Service Commissioner Jim Bonner, whose own party disowned had over 207,000 votes, 53,000 more than Maddox. Ivey had 42,066 more votes than people who voted for all the Democratic candidates combined.
“Yesterday’s resounding victory makes it clear that Republicans are energized and committed to keeping Alabama working,”. Hancock added. “This momentum and energy will help carry Governor Ivey to victory again in November.”
Republicans are also out fundraising the Democrats.
To this point in this election cycle the Republican candidates have raised $26,849,725.46 while Democratic candidates have only managed to raise $6,831,905.88. Political Action Committees have outraised the Democrats almost two to one, $11,567,358.79.
Kay Ivey has been governor for 14 months after being elected to two terms as Lieutenant Governor and two terms as state Treasurer. Walt Maddox is the Mayor of Tuscaloosa and has never run a statewide campaign before.