Alabama voters go to the polls today to decide who they want to represent them in the coming years. Every two years, Americans vote on who they want to represent them in the U.S. House of Representatives. The most-watched congressional race in the state is the 2nd Congressional District.
Incumbent Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, is seeking her fifth term in the Congress but faces a host of challengers
Roby has been popular in Washington and has risen steadily in ranks of the House Republican Caucus. She has a seat on the powerful House Appropriations Committee where she sits on the: defense; Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies; and Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies subcommittees. Roby also serves on the House Judiciary Committee and sits on the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Subcommittee.
Roby is a member of the: Congressional Army Aviation Caucus (Co-Chair), the Congressional Peanut Caucus (Co-Chair), the Congressional Defense Communities Caucus (Co-Chair), the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, the Congressional Air Force Caucus, the House Army Caucus, the Congressional National Guard and Reserve Caucus, the Civil Air Patrol Congressional Squadron, the Honorary Co-Chair of The Global Women’s Innovation Network (GlobalWIN), the House National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Caucus, the House Values Action Team, the USO Congressional Caucus, the Caucus for Women’s Issues, the Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic, the Veterans’ Jobs Caucus, the Mobility Air Force Caucus, and the Fire Services Caucus.
Roby has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, the Alabama Farmers Federation, the Family Research Council, the Business Council of Alabama, and the pro=Life Susan B Anthony List. Despite all of this, she is in what appears to be the toughest election she has faced since she narrowly defeated incumbent Bobby Bright, D-Montgomery, in 2010.
Some conservatives have criticized Roby for being too supportive of Speakers of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin.
In 2016 she condemned GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and withdrew her endorsement after a video surface from 11 years prior in which Trump jokingly referred to grabbing women by their private parts and doing whatever he wanted to do.
Since Trump’s election, Roby has worked hard to mend fences with the Trump administration and conservative voters; but many candidates have lined up to try to unseat the congresswoman.
“The Republican tax cuts are working,” Roby said. “But Nancy Pelosi and other Washington Democrats have pledged to raise taxes. I won’t let that happen.” I’m proud of my conservative record, and I’m humbly asking you to consider supporting me in the Republican Primary election tomorrow. Our work for the conservative cause is far from being complete, and I stand ready to continue the fight for our shared priorities.”
Roby is being challenged in the GOP primary by state Representative Barry Moore, R-Enterprise, former Roy Moore aide and former chief administrator of the Alabama Courts Rich Hobson, retired Army Sergeant Major Tommy Amason and Congressman Bright who has now switched to the Republican Party.
Moore said, “Voters in District 2 have a clear choice. I have been a life-long Republican, a strong conservative and the first elected official in the nation to endorse Donald Trump.”
“I am very conservative and always have been,” said Hobson. “My stance on every issue from the sanctity of life and marriage to national defense to fiscal policies and everything in between is strongly conservative, and I believe that reflects the voters of District 2. If given the privilege of representing my fellow citizens in Congress, I will not allow the D.C. Swamp to weaken my conservative convictions. Our national security and the future of our republic are too important to do otherwise.”
“As we enter the final hours, Lynn and I want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the citizens of Congressional District 2 for your tremendous encouragement and support,” Bright said. “Traveling throughout the District during this campaign reassured us that people are ready for a change. I pledge to remain connected to you, the people, and not the DC power brokers and lobbyists. I want District 2 to once again have representation on the House Armed Services and Agriculture Committees to protect our veterans, farmers and military bases. I’m ready to serve and humbly ask for your vote in tomorrow’s Republican Primary. Together, we can Make District 2 Bright Again!!!”
“To be clear, my loyalty is to God,” Amason said. “After that, I will be a force behind our President, on a daily basis, fighting for America while focused on the people of Alabama.”
The eventual winner of the Republican primary will face the winner of the Democratic primary in the general election on November 6.
Democrats have targeted the Second congressional District as a possible pickup. Tabitha Isner and Audri Scott Williams are running in the Democratic primary.
Congressman Mo Brook, R-Huntsville, and Robert Aderholt, R-Haleyville, also have primary challengers. Clayton Hinchman is running against Brooks; while Anthony Blackmon is running against Aderholt.
Polls open at 7:00 a.m. today and close at 7:00 p.m.