This is a developing story expected to be updated soon.
Incumbent Congresswoman Martha Roby did not get enough votes on Tuesday to become the GOP nominee for her own Congressional seat.
Roby, who faced a tough primary for her comments on Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential election, will now go to a runoff with Bobby Bright.
The final numbers put Roby just shy of a victory in the 40s, and Bright in the mid 20s.
Bright held the seat before Roby defeated him in 2010 when Bright was a Democrat. Since that time, however, Bright changed parties and mounted a relentless campaign against Roby for her comments on Trump.
During the 2016 Presidential race, Roby called on Trump to resign after a tape was leaked of him saying he would sexually assault women. While Roby has called herself an ardent supporter of the president, many of her primary opponents used her comments in 2016 to chip away at her lead.
Bright was one of those opponents, and the former congressman even adopted the Trump-like campaign phrase “Make District 2 Bright Again” as his rallying cry.