10: 47 p.m.–The last two major GOP races, the attorney general’s race and lieutenant governor’s race, ended in runoffs late on Tuesday.
The Democratic nominations went Siegelman for AG and Boyd for Lt. Gov., who ran uncontested.
9:56 p.m.–APR has called the race for the GOP nomination of governor to Kay Ivey.
9:42 p.m.–Martha Roby and Bobby Bright will enter a runoff.
9:27 p.m.–More than two hours after the polls closed in Alabama. Here’s how everyone is stacking up.
- Ivey and Maddox lead their respective races.
- Roby in District 2 has not cracked 40 percent with more than half the vote in.
- Cavanaugh leads the Lt. Gov. race with less than 50 percent.
- Steve Marshall is holding at 30 percent.
9:03 p.m.–With one-third of the vote in, Ivey is leading and Maddox is just under 50 percent.
Cavanaugh is leading with less than 50 percent of the vote. Marshall is leading with only 30 percent in the AG’s race.
Again, major cities have yet to fully report.
8:58 p.m.–The Second Congressional Race is still in its infant stage, but Roby is under 40 percent. Bright is holding around the mid to upper 20s.
8:48 p.m.–The governor’s race for both parties have passed the 25 percent reporting threshold. Current voting has Republicans receiving more than twice the votes.
8:37 p.m.–Very early results show that Tommy Battle only has a majority in Northern Alabama. Battle, who is mayor of Huntsville, needed to break out of that area to realistically compete in the race.
The lieutenant governor’s race currently has no candidate receiving more than 50 percent of the vote. Currently there are only 18 percent of precincts reporting, and Montgomery County has yet to report.
8:34 p.m.–Montgomery and Baldwin Counties begin to report. Jefferson, Madison, and Limestone Counties are still not even half way done reporting.
8:28 p.m.–The race for governor crosses the 10 percent of precincts reporting threshold for both parties. Maddox and Ivey, both the favored candidates, lead.
Major cities, like Birmingham and Montgomery, still left to report.
8:25 p.m.–With 12 percent of the vote in, Martha Roby is under 40 percent, and Bright holds at just about 27 percent.
8:19 p.m.–Jefferson County, another Democratic stronghold, begins to report. Maddox leads.
8:10 p.m.–With 6 percent reporting, the 2nd Congressional Race has Roby under 50 percent and Bobby Bright steadily gaining.
In the lieutenant governor’s race, Sen. Rusty Glover is starting to take votes in his home district in Mobile County.
8:02 p.m.–Northern Alabama begins to report. Tommy Battle, who is the mayor of Huntsville, is performing well. less than 2 percent of precincts are reporting according to NYT.
7:49 p.m.–Mobile County, a stronghold in the Democratic Party, begins to report. Very early results show that Maddox is leading the governor’s race.
7:39 p.m.–Less than one percent of precincts are currently reporting in major races.
7:22 p.m.–The first of the votes come in. Only 1 county with less than 300 ballots.
The results are from Coffee County, which swung heavily towards state Rep. Barry Moore in the 2nd Congressional District Race.
7:00 p.m.–Polls close in Alabama. The first of the results are expected to come in soon.
5:00 p.m.–Alabama goes to the polls today to choose who will represent the major parties in the 2018 general election.
On the ballot are all of the state wide offices, including governor, attorney general, and lieutenant governor. Congressional districts, state house races, and state Board of Education races are also on the ballot.
Polls are now 2 hours away from closing, and APR will report the results live as they come in later tonight from the Secretary of State’s Office. Secretary of State John Merrill is predicting a 25-30 percent turnout. Here are the focal points to look at for today’s races.