The Energy Institute of Alabama will honor the men and women who keep the power on in Alabama by hosting the 2018 Lineman Appreciation Day celebration Monday, June 4.
Linemen keep the lights across the state by climbing power poles and using bucket trucks to repair and install distribution lines.
“We’re excited to once again celebrate the hard work of the men and women who serve to keep our lights on, keep our homes cooled in the summer and heated in the winter, and who work tirelessly to restore our power after natural disasters and storms,” said Seth Hammett, chairman of the Energy Institute of Alabama. “This is just one day out of the year that we pause to say thank you for your service to our state and its people.”
The energy institute will honor all linemen in attendance and recognize them for their service. An Outstanding Service Award will be presented to the utility worker of the year.
A new “Thank a Lineman” service tag — which will soon be available to the public to purchase in support of linemen and their families — will be unveiled at the program, as well.
In addition, representatives from EIA will unveil the new Thank a Lineman vehicle tag, which will be available to the public to purchase in support of linemen and their families.
Hammett, State Rep. April Weaver, R-District 49, Public Service Commission President Twinkle Cavanaugh, Commissioner Jeremy Oden and Commissioner Chip Beaker will all be in attendance. An Alabama electric company lineman will offer a lineman’s perspective at the event, which will begin at 10:45 a.m. at Alabama Power Gunter Park Crew Headquarters in Montgomery.